Page 15 of Just A Kiss

“But I was in there with him,” Daphne protested as she opened her notebook, hoping to convince Tanya to share what she had missed.

“It sucks, doesn’t it?” Tanya smirked but in a friendly way. “It took me years of watching to read between the lines and watching his reactions to responses.” She got up. “I’m hungry. Can I get you something?”

“Oh, yes, please. I missed breakfast this morning.” Daphne had been in such a hurry to catch Carter before he interrogated Cowell that she had skipped the most important meal of the day... for her at least. She needed a carb-filled brekkie to kick-start her day. No wonder her attention span was wavering, and she had missed crucial information while inside the interrogation room.

While the Deputy Sheriff was out, Daphne leaned forward to watch Carter. It didn’t take long to notice how precise every action of his was. Every gesture, every nod, and every word he formed was done with a specific outcome in mind.

“Damn! Tanya was right. He’s brilliant.”

“I’m sorry,” Tanya said as Daphne was visually startled by her return. “I’ve been called out, but Deputy Sheriff Flint will be here shortly to take over.” She handed her a steamy corn dog. “Not really the healthiest snack, but apart from it being all that was ready, these are delicious.”

“I love corn dogs, and I haven’t had one in ages. This is gonna be sooo good.”

“Enjoy,” Tanya said with a wave, then she closed the door behind her.

Daphne moaned in food ecstasy as she took the first bite. Her attention drifted back to the two men on the other side of the thick glass panel. She was highly impressed with Carter’s patience as he continued to interrogate the man.

“Crickey, but this is damn good,” she mumbled around another bite. Closing her eyes, she savored the explosion of different flavors in her mouth.

“So, you’re still here?”

One minute, she took her eyes off the man for one lousy minute, and once again, he managed to catch her in a highly compromising, not to mention unfeminine, position. Of course, as luck would have it, his unexpected arrival ended in another embarrassing situation for her—twice in one day.

As was her usual way, she had been sprawled low in the chair, chomping away on the corn dog.

“Ah, freaking moss balls,” she cried in fright at his gruff voice. The scramble to straighten in the chair ended in the opposite—her slipping off and landing flat on her buttocks on the floor... again! Her legs were all over as she attempted to catch the corn dog before it fell to the floor.

“Hell, no! Not today, you’re not,” she grumbled as she caught it just in time. It would be an epic disaster if such a delicious delicacy went to waste. The sound of Carter’s deep, rumbling laughter froze her in place—on her knees and elbows, clutching the precious corn dog between her hands. She looked up as the sound of mirth coming from his lips curled around her loins and triggered a lust so profound, she started to tremble. All she could do was stare in awe.

Dearie me, just look at him. I could eat him up!

He turned into a Greek god when he laughed. His entire demeanor changed. He became relaxed as he morphed into the most gorgeously rugged handsomeness she couldn’t wait to devour.

Remember, he’s taken, Daphne. The voice of reason brought her back to reality. Indignantly, she pushed upright and gathered her legs as she waved the precious snack at him.

“Laugh at me again, Sheriff, and I’ll stuff this corn dog sideways into your mouth.”

“I’d like to see you try,” he said as his rolling laughter ended in a deep chuckle.

“You should be more careful, Sheriff. I thrive on challenges such as those.” With a snort at his continued amusement, she stuck out her hand. “C’mon, since it’s your fault I’m once again flat on the floor, the least you can do is help me up.”

Daphne didn’t find it at all funny that it took him the time she needed to regain her composure and dignity to swallow his mirth.

Piqued, she hid her embarrassment behind a chilled, “You don’t seem to be making any progress with the interrogation.”

His smile negated the effect she was after. “I work at my own pace, Daphne. Do not interfere again, or—”

“I know more than I originally told you,” she cut him off, desperate to regain a modicum of professionalism.

“Do tell.”

“Do not patronize me, Carter Scott,” she snapped. “You’ve had your fun at my expense.” She waved the corn dog in front of his face like a knight in a sword battle. “Now, it’s time to pay attention.”

“As I said, I’m all ears.” This time, he wiped all signs of a smile off his face.

“That’s better.” Since she needed to replenish some of the energy her tumble had expunged, she took a large bite of the corn dog. “Hmm, so good,” she mumbled before she continued in a muffled voice, “McCarthy is the one who keeps getting the charges against Cowell dropped. Mark my words, Sheriff, before the morning, one way or the other, he’ll be out of jail.”

“He’s already leaving.”