Page 89 of Shadow Mark

I totally agree.

Not long after, Baris found her, sidling up alongside her. “I am pleased to see you. I hope you are enjoying yourself.”

Lenore tossed him a sharp look. She wasn’t sure if he was joking or not. “I understand why Prince Vekele and Princess Sarah are rarely at court.”

His gaze swept over her outfit, and the warmth drained away from his expression, leaving a blankness that startled her.

“What’s wrong?”

Without answering, Baris held her elbow and steered her out of the ballroom and down a corridor. He moved stiffly, like he was holding back anger. She didn’t understand, but she didn’t fight him, allowing herself to be guided. With every step, the light grew dimmer and shadows gathered.

“Are you doing that?” she asked. He did not answer.

When they were alone and cloaked in shadows, he roughly grabbed her wrist and held up her hand, displaying the claw caps. The silver chains jingled with the motion.

“What is wrong is that you thought it a good idea to wear this vulgarity!”


“Excuse me?” Lenore snatched her arm away. “I’m wearing the jewelry you sent me.”

“I did no such thing. I would remember if I sent you that.”

Hidden by shadows, voices still carried. They kept their voices low, but the angry tones could not be disguised.

Lenore took a step back, her eyes wide. It pained him that she would move away from him like that. It mortified him that she should be frightened. This situation was wrong.

“We are misunderstanding one another,” he said. “The sharpened claw caps you wear are for intimacy.”

“Intimacy,” she repeated.

“Female Arcosians have claws. Males do not,” he quickly explained. She bobbed her head in understanding. “When a female is pleased by her partner, she loses control and marks them. It is a mark worn with pride. Sometimes claws are brittle or broken, requiring an aid.”

“Is that why you get all—” she rolled her eyes and made a moaning noise, “when I scratch you with my fingernails?”

“It is pleasurable for the male, as well.”

“And these are—” She held up a hand and wiggled her fingers. Then, the color drained from her face, leaving her a pale beige instead of her normal peachy warmth. “Oh my God, these are sex toys. Why would you send me a sex toy along with this outfit? I thought these were meant to be worn together. Baris!”

He nearly laughed at the absurdity of the situation. He had been awfully forward with his desire for Lenore, but he had not been that forward. Though he could not deny imagining what it would be like to wear her mark.

“I did not send you the sharpened claw caps,” he said.

Lenore pressed her lips together. He recognized it as her thinking expression. “These are too nice to be a mix-up. Someone sent me these.”

He reached for her hand. She flinched away. He ignored the hurt because it was deserved. His words had been harsh, and his reaction unwarranted.

There was some truth to Vekele’s comment that he acted rashly.

“I apologize for my words,” he said. “I want to believe that I am a patient and considerate male, but my actions prove me otherwise. I act rashly when I am upset.” That was not adequate. It was merely a start. “I would very much like for you to wear these for me, to leave your mark on me. Nothing would give me greater pleasure to bear the evidence that I am your male, yours alone. When I saw you wearing them in public, for anyone to see…I am not proud of myself.”

She studied his face for a long moment, like she could read the truth in his heart. She could. It was right there, laid bare and exposed for her.

“So you do know how to apologize,” she said.

“I am not very skilled. I have not had much practice.”

“Oh, I have a feeling you’ll get plenty of practice.” Warmth returned to her voice. She placed her hand in his.