The feathers on its chest fluffed up, and Lenore had no idea what that meant. She didn’t speak bird.
“If you’re a spy, you’re terrible at it.”
Its head bobbed back and forth like an amused chuckle.
“Help me out,” she said to Kenth, who only held up her hands in a helpless gesture.
Right. Sacred creatures. It could basically do whatever it wanted.
Unsure how to make it stop following her, she continued on. It’d get bored. The karu—and Kenth—diligently followed as Lenore wandered, stubbornly not growing bored.
Eventually, she found herself in a long, narrow gallery filled with portraits and various statues. The gallery had a high arched ceiling held up with stone columns. The architectural style seemed older than the bits of the palace she was more familiar with. Less refined. The windows were narrow, for one, and did not allow in much natural light. Shadows gathered in pools on the ceiling where the soft lighting did not reach.
The portraits were all stern-faced Arcosians in fine clothing. Presumably, this was a gallery of past kings, queens, and other members of the royal family. Occasionally, a large canvas featuring a bloody battle scene broke up the cluster of portraits.
Lydia’s gently teasing words about Lenore not having any hobbies came back to her. She didn’t have hobbies because between school and work, she didn’t have time, but she had interests. She liked…things, just not theater or parties or fashion like Lydia. There was a medical museum in Chicago filled with medical artifacts that she found fascinating. She liked history, like looking at the mess of the past and seeing improvement. Some old surgical instruments looked like implements of torture, but those crude tools helped people.
The karu hopped onto a statue, making it eye level with her.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to perch on the art,” she said, keeping her voice quiet for no particular reason other than the gallery felt like the kind of place that demanded silence.
The karu could not be fussed.
“You’re a difficult female to find.”
An older Arcosian woman using a cane entered the gallery. A karu perched on her shoulder. Her white hair was pulled back from her face, giving her a severe look. The clothes she wore struck Lenore as old-fashioned with an overly stiff, starched collar.
“Do you enjoy art? I myself am a great admirer of the arts,” the older woman said, joining Lenore at a large painting depicting a deep space battle. A ship burned among the stars, dominating the scene.
“I’m afraid I don’t know much about art,” Lenore said. “I am interested in history, though.”
“You’ll find plenty of that in here.”
Lenore scanned the room for Kenth. The guard had blended into the shadows, giving the illusion of privacy.
“I don’t believe we’ve met,” Lenore said.
“Lady Raelle Frostwing, councilor to the king.”
The name she recognized. Baris spoke of his councilors often, particularly of Raelle.
The woman’s gaze swept over Lenore, critical and frowning like she found fault. She said, “You must know why I’ve hunted you down.”
“I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage.”
The disapproval intensified. “I am not to be trifled with. You may wish to play games, but I am celebrated for my frankness.”
“Please, enlighten me.”
This conversation was odd.
“I heard a rumor that you plan to make yourself queen.” Raelle drew her shoulders back, standing several inches taller than Lenore. “I know this is impossible, as His Majesty is far too sensible to make such a foolish match. He would never neglect his duty and abandon what is best for the kingdom for…for…”
“For me? A no-account human?”
Queen? That was new. The media must have grown bored with the gossip about the sex-crazed human and turned her into a gold digger.
Gossip Lenore was ambitious.