Page 30 of Shadow Mark

She gasped.


“Oh my God, yes,” she moaned. “Do that again.”

“Demanding female,” he said, happy to deliver whatever she desired.

He pushed into her core, reveling in the warmth of her and the way she gasped as he stretched her. That was only this top cock. He would love to hear the pleading, blissful noises she’d make when she took all of him.

With a hand on her hips, his hips snapped back and forth, keeping a steady pace. He wanted so much. He wanted to leave his mark on her skin. She would be on Earth, but she would be his. Only his.

Her shoulder was there, exposed and ready for his bite. Tempting him.

Lenore’s hand clawed at the bedsheet. His pace quickened. He leaned over her, driving harder into her warmth. She squirmed, threatening to relax her thighs, but he had her pinned in place. She was his to please. One cock was buried deep in her. The other rubbed along that marvelous bundle of nerves.

She could take all of him, he was certain. He’d fill her full of his seed, and she’d give him an heir. He’d breed her, his pretty human with her sharp tongue and clever eyes. She’d grow round with his hatchling, and he wanted that. He wanted an impossible future, lavishing jewels and treasure on his female and the contentment that came with having a beloved mate.

Baris did none of those things because she asked him not to. His pace grew erratic. She trembled beneath him, her thighs quaking as she reached yet another climax. Her cry of pleasure took him with her, pulling him over the crest until he was spilling inside her and along her thighs.

He collapsed beside her, pulling her to him. He placed his hand on her chest, her heart racing beneath his palm. His raced as well.

They rested there until their pulses slowed.

“I’m a mess,” she said, moving away.

“Stay a moment.” He pulled her back. “We have all night.”



Awareness washed over Baris. Something was wrong.

A docking bay had been repurposed for the construction of the portal. The machine was huge, spanning the entire bay. The gears and cogs of the machine whirled around them. They were merely tiny specks within its grand schemes. At the center was a gyroscope on a platform. The scope’s hoops spun lazily within the frame.

Technicians flitted about from panel to panel, checking and double-checking the readings. The air thrummed with excitement.

Baris spun, scanning the hangar for a saboteur or a weapon. His instincts about danger were never wrong, and that sense of dread had kept him alive despite the best efforts of all and sundry.

“Your Majesty?” Des inquired in a soft voice.

“I do not know.” Something was off. “I would speak with the head engineer. Bring him to me.”

The gyroscope at the center of the portal spun faster and faster. The floor vibrated. He felt it in his bones. It was a bit of impressive engineering. The gears of the great machine spun around them.

Des returned with the head engineer.

“Explain what I am looking at,” Baris said.

The head engineer, Luca, practically bounced on his feet at the opportunity to explain the process. “It’s based on the same principle that the old tunnel drive ships use. The spinning rings create a hole in the fabric of space.” Luca paused, then added, “That sounds much worse than it is. It’s very safe. Tunnel drives are a stable technology.”

Yes. It had been a good century and a half since the last major tunnel drive disaster. Early in its implementation, the ships had an alarming habit of entering a tunnel and never exiting. It remained unknown if the ship broke apart from stress or if the engine failed, trapping the ship and all the passengers in a subliminal space.

“This is much larger than a tunnel drive on a ship,” Baris said.

“A ship has limited range. This journey is much further. The calculations support this.”

“If the calculations support it. Is the journey safe?”