Page 100 of Shadow Mark

“Do you think we could use the—” she started to ask before Baris interrupted with an affirmative.

“The claw caps are by the bed. Come.” He pulled her to the bed. Carefully, he placed each cap on her fingers, kissing her palms as he went. Putting the claw caps on her bound hand was slower going, but he managed.

Lenore flexed her fingers. “Will this hurt you?”

“Only a little,” he said.

“Where should I—” She clawed the air.

“Anywhere. I am proud to wear your mark.”

She tugged on the ribbon, pulling him close. She ran her hands over his chest and down his abdomen, the sharpened tips scraping along his skin. He shivered and growled, pushing her down onto her back.

With his arms planted on either side of her, he stretched above her. Inky black wings obscured the light. The pull of the ribbon forced her right arm above her head. Their fingers laced together. He wouldn’t let her go.

“You will take all of me,” he said.

“Yes. God, yes. I’m ready.” They’d spent plenty of quality time in bed, exploring each other, celebrating the pleasure they could give each other, but that was the one thing they hadn’t done yet.

Using his unbound hand, Baris worked her open with his fingers. She was already wet and needy from his tongue—the fingers were an added bonus. First one, then two, and then three. Satisfied that she was prepared enough, he moved to settle between her thighs.

He sank into her. The stretch was slow and initially uncomfortable. He kept his gaze on her, studying her reaction.

“It’s good. You’re so good,” she said. She lifted her hips, encouraging him to sink all the way in. She felt full like she might burst, not just from his double cocks, but the unexpected emotions threatening to choke her. This man, this improbable man, reordered his world for her and didn’t let her go. Wouldn’t let her go.

His hips snapped forward, plunging into her. Her body arched, demanding more and more. They moved together, desire and pleasure spiraling higher. She cried out, her climax finally breaking, and raked the claws down his arm. Blood beaded on his silvery gray skin.

That sent him over. He pulled her up until she was astride his lap. Both hands were on her hips, raising her and lowering her, fucking hard. His wings beat the air in time with his strokes. He pressed his mouth to the curve of her neck and bit.

The pain was brief, followed by another fierce climax. Her fingers curled, digging into his chest, as ecstasy surged through her. It overwhelmed her, making her tremble and cry before the drifting numbness at the site of the bite spread. He had warned her about the mating bite and the effects of his saliva, but wow.

Baris lowered her to the bed and untied the ribbon. She lay there, content and relaxed. When she finally opened her eyes, he wore a huge smile as he examined the claw mark on his chest.

“Look how I pleased you,” he said, kissing her forehead and stretching out alongside her.

“No complaints,” she mumbled.

“Rest, my queen,” he said, pulling her to him. “I have plans for you.”



The eggs were hatching.

“It’s time. Hurry, hurry, hurry,” Lenore called, hustling into the conservatory.

Little Miss and Trouble had laid a clutch before the wedding. As it was not advisable to move a nest, the karu had to remain at Gracemeadow, which meant Baris and Lenore had to remain at the country house. As it was advisable not to disturb the karu and maintain a peaceful environment, the cogs of government had been banished. All work was handled by appropriate personnel. What could not be delegated was done remotely. What could not be done remotely did not need to be done at all.

The karu had given Baris and Lenore a three-month vacation, and it was marvelous. Even better, they’d likely have to remain for a year until the baby chicks were old enough to fly.

Thankfully, Gracemeadow was recently renovated and comfortable. Sarah told her horror stories of Summerhall, the tumbledown palace where Baris and Vekele spent part of their childhood.

The estate had been chosen as the wedding venue for its stunning gardens, natural landscapes, and proximity to a karu sanctuary. Currently, the sanctuary was private, available only to the royal family and guests. Next month, when Baris and Lenore were free to leave the estate for brief journeys without upsetting the karu and their hatchlings, it would be opened to the public. Soon, the average person would have the opportunity to meet and possibly bond with a karu of their own.

The Royal Academy invited Lenore to teach a course on human medicine. They proposed an overview of common human ailments, treatments, and significant differences in anatomy that an Arcosian physician would need to know when treating a human. Basically, How Not to Kill Your Human. The information would be useful and help save lives. She was inclined to accept once it was feasible to leave the estate. For the immediate future, she was bound there and would maybe take the time to write a class syllabus.

Lenore pushed her way through the onlookers into the conservatory. Excitement buzzed through the entire household. Bonded karu rarely breed. The birth rate for karu was low, which was not so alarming considering their long lifespans. Unbonded karu kept the population stable.