Luis cast him a glance and thought for a moment. He’d just come out of the shower and he was drying his smooth, wet legs. “I guess there’s nothing wrong with it,” he said. “I’m just worried it might get cold out later.”

Jase slipped his feet into a pair of black leather sandals and crossed toward where Luis was standing. He put his arms around Luis’s shoulders and said, “If it gets cold, you can sit on my lap and I’ll warm you up.”

Luis reached down and squeezed Jase’s balls. He tugged a few times and said, “I think you should be good tonight. These guys seem harmless, and from what I’ve heard about nudists there’s nothing sexual about these clothing-optional places. It’s almost like a philosophy or a religion with them. I’ve heard they get insulted if people make it something sexual. And I don’t want to offend them. After all, they are schoolteachers.”

“Hey, I’m not suggesting anything. I’m just letting my dick swing in the breeze tonight.”

Luis smiled. “Jase, I know you better than anyone. And I know how much you like having sex in front of other people. Remember the guy who works in our parking garage in New York? You don’t have to pretend with me, sweetheart.”

Jase rested his palm on Luis’s ass and squeezed it hard. “I know,” he said. “I’ll be good. I promise. I won’t insult anyone or do anything obnoxious.” Luis was right about the exhibition thing, and Jase couldn’t argue with him. Though Jase knew Luis wasn’t interested in doing three-ways and group sex like a lot of other gay couples they knew, Luis didn’t mind indulging in Jase’s passion for exhibitionism. Sometimes, though Jase was never totally sure, Jase thought Luis enjoyed their exhibitionist scenes as much as he did. But they didn’t do this often, mainly because the opportunity didn’t come up often. Now that they were in a clothing-optional campground, with hot twins right next door to them, Jase couldn’t help imagining some of the possibilities.

But Luis was probably right about Rand and Rob. They didn’t seem interested in sex at all. When Jase and Luis stepped out of their motor home naked and crossed to a small concrete patio on the other side of Rob’s and Rand’s motor home, they found Rand standing over a grill and Rob setting a small folding table with disposable dishes and flatware. Rand was only wearing a short apron to cover his genitals while he grilled, and Rob wasn’t wearing anything but the mules and white socks he’d been wearing earlier. They seemed perfectly content to be naked, and didn’t even flinch when they saw Jase and Luis arrive naked. There was nothing sexual about it. They shook each other’s hands, Jase handed Rob a couple of bottles of wine, and Rob told them to feel free to sit down on the folding chairs around the table. Rob even laughed and said, “We have cushions for all the chairs.”

Though Jase noticed Luis’s eyes open wide each time one of the Ricky Martin twins moved too fast and his dick jumped, the conversation during dinner was casual and pleasant. Rob and Rand talked about their work as teachers, told a few funny stories about their camping adventures, and complimented Jase’s wine choices. Jase and Luis talked about their lives in New York, their son, and Jase’s family back in Alaska. When Rob and Rand found out Jase was the famous Virgin Billionaire and that Luis was his semi-famous model partner, they seemed mildly impressed. But not nearly as impressed as they were with the motor home Jase and Luis were traveling in. It turned out Rob’s and Rand’s motor home was more than thirty years old, and they’d been saving money for a new one for years. They couldn’t stop asking questions about the electric motor home Jase was testing out that weekend, and they were especially interested in learning about its efficiency and now much money they saved on fuel. They said one of the things about their older motor home was the price of gas. On teacher salaries, it was getting harder and harder to fill the tank in their old rig.

But Jase couldn’t get over the fact that he was walking around nude out in public. This was the first time Jase had ever been naked in public this long, and he found the experience extremely interesting in ways he hadn’t expected. Though he’d been excited about being naked outside with two strange guys at first, the feeling wore off within the first hour. By the middle of dinner, he’d forgotten he was naked. Though he didn’t mention this to anyone, he felt a slight sense of disappointment.

After dinner, Rob and Rand pulled out a game of gay Monopoly and the four of them played until two o’clock in the morning. Luis’s token was a high heel, and he wound up winning. By the time he was finished, he owned almost every single property on the board, including Castro Street and Fire Island.

Jase finally stretched his arms and yawned, then slapped Luis on the thigh and said, “We’d better hit the sack, bitch. It’s been a long day.” He didn’t mention he’d let Luis win. He’d purposely made wrong moves and choices because he knew how much Luis liked winning board games. It was one of the small sacrifices he’d learned that would always make his relationship with Luis better and pay off in the end. Whenever Luis won a board game, Jase usually received a stellar blow job later that night.

Rob stood up and started to clear the game off the table. “I’m tired, too,” he said. When he leaned into the table to collect the fake Monopoly money, Jase couldn’t help noticing the way his dick rested on the table.

Rand stood and reached for the empty wine glasses. He laughed and said, “I’m amazed you guys didn’t ask us the one question almost everyone asks.”

Jase and Luis exchanged glances. Jase didn’t have a clue.

Rob said, “Don’t start with that, Rand.”

“What?” Jase asked. Now he was curious.

Rand lifted the last wine glass and said, “Every time we meet new friends at one of these gay campgrounds and they find out we’re identical gay twins, they always ask if we’ve ever done each other.”

Luis blinked.

Jase said, “Ah, well.” He had to admit the thought had crossed his mind. But he certainly wouldn’t have asked them something that private.

Then Luis said, “I have an identical twin brother myself, and he’s gay. I never thought about having sex with my brother. It’s a horrible thought. I get sick just thinking about it.”

Rand flung him a look. “Do people ask you if you and your twin brother had sex?”

Luis shrugged. “It’s too soon to know,” he said. “We’ve been estranged for many years. We just started talking again. It’s a very long story I’ll tell you another time. It’s too late now. But the thought of having sex with my brother is just downright creepy. No way.”