Luis lowered his head to the pillow and closed his eyes. “See who it is first, before you open the door. It might be that guy with the rainbow cap. Or a bear.”

Jase crawled off the bed and grumbled softly on his way to the door. Did Luis think he was a blithering idiot? “See who it is? Like I’m going to open the door for a goddamn bear. I don’t see him getting his sweet little ass up to answer the door. Sure, let Jase kill the bug, let Jase catch the mouse, let Jase answer the goddamn door.”

When he reached the door, he leaned forward and said, “Who’s there?”

A deep, throaty voice from the other side said, “We’re your neighbors. We wanted to introduce ourselves.”

Jase rolled his eyes. Because he’d been camping before, he knew people in campgrounds could be overly familiar sometimes. They could be downright annoying at other times, especially if you were there for privacy. They weren’t all that way; just some campers. They tended to feel as if they were part of a secret club and lost their inhibitions at campgrounds, especially the older couples.

Jase took a deep breath and opened the door. He was imagining someone who looked like the heavyset naked guy he’d passed on the way in earlier. But when he looked down and saw two handsome young men standing at the bottom of the steps, his head went back and he smiled.

“Hi, I’m Rob and this is my brother, Rand,” said the one with the deep, throaty voice.

Jase glanced down and said, “I’m Jase. It’s nice to meet you.” They were identical twins, just like Luis and Gage. They had short dark blond hair, steel blue eyes, and muscular, stocky bodies. They were completely naked, except for identical brown leather mules with white stitching, and those short little white ankle socks. Each had a thick chunky dick and dark blond pubic hair. They weren’t too hairy. Jase could tell they’d trimmed between their legs. But they weren’t completely shaved like Luis.

“We just wanted to introduce ourselves,” Rob said. “We’re your next-door neighbors for the weekend.” He seemed more assertive than Rand. Rob wore a rope choker around his thick neck, and Jase made a mental note to remember this so he could tell them apart. It would have been impossible otherwise. Even their chunky dicks were identical.

“That’s very nice,” Jase said, wishing he had on his dark sunglasses so he could gaze at their dicks. He realized he was standing there in his boxer shorts and a white T-shirt. But, he figured, if they were naked it didn’t really matter. “This is our first time here at this particular campground. We’re from New York.”

“Cool,” Rand said. “We’re schoolteachers and we love traveling around to these campgrounds all the time. We’re usually on the road every weekend. We have Monday off this weekend for a teachers’ convention, so it’s a long weekend for us. We’ve made tons of friends at these places. We met a nice gay couple once from Oregon. They’d just gotten married and were traveling cross country to New Orleans in a huge Silverstream trailer. We still keep in touch. We’re planning a trip to New Orleans next spring break to hang out with them.”

“All the guys we’ve met are great,” Rob said.

Jase suddenly realized who they reminded him of. They were both dead ringers for Ricky Martin. They even had humpy, sexy legs like Ricky Martin. Oh, Luis would be sorry he hadn’t answered the door this time. “My partner, Luis, is still sleeping. We had a rough flight out here yesterday and we’re trying to catch up now.”

“We’re sorry to bother you,” Rand said.

Jase lifted his chin and smiled wider. “Oh, no bother. I’m glad you stopped by. I’ve camped before many times. I’m from Alaska.” He lifted his head and squared his shoulders. He always liked mentioning this to people. It made him feel stronger and more powerful in a way he couldn’t explain. He didn’t want them thinking he was a soft city person. “But this is actually the first time my partner has been camping.”

A voice rang out from behind Jase. Luis said, “How do you know it’s my first time camping? I’m from Tennessee, and I’ve gone camping before, too. You know, Jase, people from Alaska aren’t the only ones familiar with the great outdoors.” He pushed his way past Jase and gazed at the two naked young men who looked like Ricky Martin. He extended his hand and said, “I’m Luis Fortune. You have to excuse my husband. He thinks the only people in the world who ever hiked up a hill were from Alaska.”

Jase smiled. He adored Luis’s sarcasm.

The twins shook Luis’s hand and Rand said, “We were wondering if you guys would like to join us for dinner later. We’re grilling outside. Nothing special. But it would be a nice way to get to know you better.”

Rob said, “But we don’t want to intrude, either.”

Before Luis could even open his mouth, Jase said, “We’d love to. We’ll bring wine.”

“Cool,” Rob said.

“Come over around seven,” Rand said, as he turned and started walking away.

Jase leaned out the door over Luis’s shoulder, and said, “We’ll be there.”

When Rob and Rand were gone, Luis closed the door and said, “Well, now we know why the guy at the gate said we’d like the particular spot. He certainly knew what he was talking about.”

“Did you see their thighs?” Jase said. He didn’t mention their firm, round asses. He was afraid Luis would get jealous. “They’re schoolteachers,” he said. “They seem like such nice guys.”

Luis sent him a glare. He folded his arms across his chest and said, “I heard. I was standing right behind you the entire time. There is a teachers’ convention and they have Monday off.”

Jase noticed a trace of jealousy in Luis’s voice. So he smiled and said, “But they aren’t as hot as you are. You’re still the hottest guy in this campground, with or without clothes.”

“Yeah, right,” Luis said, as if he didn’t believe him. He reached between Jase’s legs, slipped his hand inside Jase’s boxer shorts, and grabbed Jase’s dick. He yanked Jase forward and said, “Let’s go back to sleep. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.”

* * * *

“I’m not wearing anything tonight,” Jase said. “Just shoes. This place is clothing optional, and I’m taking advantage of it.” They were getting ready to meet the twins, Rand and Rob, outside for dinner. Jase hadn’t eaten much that day and the minute he smelled the charcoals burning on the grill outside, his stomach started making noises.