When they pulled up to the gates of The Happy Landing Campground, an older man in black leather chaps stepped out of a small gatehouse. He had one of those bushy mustaches that dipped down on both sides of his mouth; his face was sunken and his head had been shaved clean. He wore jeans beneath the leather chaps, but no shirt. Though his body was defined for a man his age—he had to be in his sixties—his skin had that thin, watery, look that naturally happens with age, and Jase thought it would have been a better idea if he’d at least worn a T-shirt.

Jase went into the gatehouse and registered at the campground. He paid a fee and the older man assigned him a parking space. Jase already knew how to hook up a motor home, so he didn’t need any explanation in that department. He was only gone fifteen minutes, but when he returned he found Luis slumped back in the passenger seat, sound asleep.

When Jase shut the door, Luis bolted forward. “Are we here?” He sat up and looked back and forth, as if trying to get his bearings.

“I’m sorry,” Jase said. “I didn’t mean to wake you. I’ll go park now and we can take a nice long nap. I’m exhausted, too.”

As they drove through the campground, navigating the narrow dirt road, they passed two large women walking hand in hand. They were both nude, only wearing flip-flops. Luis gasped and looked up at the ceiling. Jase gripped the steering wheel and held his breath. A few feet down the road, they passed two large men with hairy backs and bald heads. They weren’t wearing anything either, just heavy black work boots. Luis gasped again and glanced at Jase.

Jase shrugged and said, “Did I mention this place was clothing optional?”

“Ah well,” Luis said. “I don’t think you did.”

Jase laughed. “It’s clothing optional.”


Two minutes after that, they passed four women in the nude. One had breasts that sagged so low Luis put his hand over his mouth and said, “She really should look in the mirror before she goes out in the nude. Honestly.”

“Don’t be so critical,” Jase said. He had a friend who loved nudist colonies. “It’s not about how you look. It’s about how free you feel. All nudists say that once you get beyond the sensation of being naked, it feels perfectly natural.” He was dying to find out if this was true. He felt like taking off his pants right there in the motor home.

Luis winced. “That’s a bit too natural for me. I agree with your grandmother when it comes to these things. ‘If it doesn’t look good, don’t set it on the front porch.’”

Before they turned into the place where they were supposed to park the motor home, they passed a group of nice-looking young men. Jase suddenly felt a spark of hope. All were wearing jeans and T-shirts, and all had on socks and sneakers.

But Luis didn’t sound as positive as Jase felt. “Well. Isn’t that just the way it goes? The ones who should be nude aren’t, and the ones who shouldn’t be are,” Luis said.

Jase glanced at the surrounding scenery, hoping to change the subject. “The redwoods are spectacular, aren’t they? I’ve never seen such beautiful trees. This is even better than Alaska.”

Luis glanced to his right and said, “I have to admit it is gorgeous. It even smells different here.”

They passed an older man wearing nothing but a rainbow baseball cap and Docksiders. He had a tiny little cock and huge low-hanging nuts. Luis frowned and said, “Well, if you can get past some of these God-awful naked people, I suppose this place is gorgeous.”

Jase smiled. “The man at the gate told me the place is really dead this time of year, so we’ll probably have all the privacy we need. We’ll stick to ourselves. It won’t be that bad. Besides, we’re here to relax. I’m kind of looking forward to walking around naked myself. I’ve gone camping before, but never to a clothing-optional campground.”

Luis rolled his eyes. “I had a feeling you’d be excited about this.”

Jase loved exhibitionism, and he’d never hidden this from Luis. “I can’t wait to see you walking around naked, too. They’re going to love you here.”

They passed another lumpy naked guy with an ass so small and so narrow the crack couldn’t have been more than two inches long. Luis set his jaw and said, “I think I’ll play that one by ear. I’m kind of looking forward to the privacy this place is supposed to have.”

But when they found their assigned parking space, Luis glanced at an old motor home in the space next to theirs and said, “So much for privacy. We’re practically on top of them.”

Jase pulled into the parking space and frowned at the motor home beside them. It had to be at least twenty-five years old, with dented sides, rusty bumpers, and a torn awning. It sat slightly lopsided, leaning to the left at the back end. “I don’t understand why the guy at the gate would assign us this space, especially with all the other free spaces around here.” They were the only two motor homes in that section. There had to be at least fifteen other vacant spaces.

“Maybe he made a mistake,” Luis said.

“No,” Jase said. “He distinctly said I’d love this specific space. He even smiled and winked when he said it.”

Luis yawned again. “I’m too tired to complain. Let’s just park this big thing, set up, and go to bed. I can barely keep my eyes open.”

Jase yawned and said, “I agree. If we don’t like it here, we just ask if we can change spaces later.”

Jase had a little trouble connecting to the electric. But once he figured it out, it didn’t take him long to set up everything else. When they had lights and running water, they plopped into bed in their underwear and didn’t wake up until they heard a weird tapping sound on their door.

Luis must have been disoriented and forgotten where he was. He poked Jase in the arm and said, “See what Hunter wants.”

Jase groaned and stretched his legs. “We’re in a motor home in the woods, not in New York.” He’d been in the middle of a sound sleep and he felt like punching something.

Luis lifted his head and opened his eyes. “Then what’s that fucking tapping?”

Jase sat up and scratched his dick. He looked at the clock on the nightstand and stretched his arms. It was four in the afternoon and they’d slept most of the day. “It sounds like someone is knocking on the door. I’ll find out what’s going on.”