We’ve done it, the three of us, together.


When the days grow longer again and slivers of green emerge from the ground, I am overcome by relief. The future—while still uncertain—looks brighter by the moment. We have two horses to help with the work, and when the spring crops come up, we ought to be able to sell our harvest for enough to buy new chickens.

I couldn’t have asked for a happier life with my mates. Even after a long day working in the field, Drazak’s cock is always hungry for us. But I know we both long for something more, something we aren’t willing to discuss out loud, though I can see it in his eyes as clearly as he can in mine. What if we reopened a wound and Esme ran from us again?

I don’t believe she would, but I spend all my waking moments showing her what she means to me anyway. Sometimes, when we’re tending vegetables, I brush my lips over her hair as I pass. When she cooks for us I always clean up afterwards, and even ask her to teach me since I’m the only one who can’t seem to cook a piece of meat without burning it.

One warm spring night, while we all sit around the fire playing with Keva’s puppies, Esme taps my shoulder. I lean into her, listening closely.

“What is it, heart?” I ask, wondering if perhaps she’s cold, and I bring her against my side. Drazak scoots closer, squeezing me around the shoulders.

“Remember... a long time ago?” she begins, tentative. She picks one of the puppies up and squeezes it, kissing it on the nose. “When you wanted whelps?”

I freeze up. Has she been reading our thoughts? Can she feel how much I burn—sear—with the need to fill her up, to plant a seed in her and watch it take root? How badly I want to see her full and ripe with us, to enjoy our small orcs or trolls toddling around the farm?

“What of them?” Drazak finally says, as tense as I am.

Esme worries her lip between her teeth. “Do you... do you still want them?”

My throat closes. Is this some sort of test? I glance at Drazak, and I can see the same thoughts in his yellow eyes. What’s the right answer?

The best I can do is tell her the truth. I will never lie to Esme.

“Yes,” I finally say, not releasing my hold on her. “Always.” My cock gets warm just thinking of Drazak sliding into her, filling her, his essence dripping into her womb and finding purchase there many times over. She is our mate, after all—we were created this way. All my cock seeks is to watch her swell up round and then, when the time is right, enjoy as her big breasts feed our small, helpless whelps.

“And you?” Esme asks, tilting her head at Drazak. He looks just as thunderstruck, and he struggles for the words.

Finally, they come out quiet and strained. “Yes. More than anything.”

When a small smile tilts her lips, I can finally breathe again.

“Then we should try.” She leans into me, and I gasp for air as I bring her close against my chest. “I think we have everything we need.”

Drazak’s deep-throated growl takes us both by surprise. He gets to his feet abruptly, then stands over her, offering his hand. Esme takes it, and he hauls her up into his arms. He kisses her, hard and hungrily, grabbing her ass and thrusting his hips against hers. Our human mate gasps in surprise.

I see. She has lit a fire in him, one that burns so bright it might fill us all up with flames.


That night, my troll and my orc are in a marvelous mood. They lay me on the bed together, forbidding me from moving as they lavish attention on me. Han’zir is quite horny tonight, and before long he’s begging to put his cock in me. The idea of a new baby has brought something to life in him that tells me he will make a wonderful father.

But first, he devours the place between my legs, making me shudder and drip onto his face while Drazak lavishes attention on his body. Then Han’zir slides into me, groaning as his cock finds where it belongs. He’s almost lost to his pleasure, the way he tends to get. I sit astride his lap as he brings me down hard, sinking as much of himself as he can inside me.

“Esme,” he moans, sweat beading on his forehead. I can see him through his face, all of him. His eyes redden as he draws a hand down my cheek. I know then that our hearts are wrapped so tightly around one another that he will always feel what I do, and I will always feel what he does.

Drazak’s hands travel down my body, from my breasts to my hips, and around to cup my ass. “I need to be inside you, too,” he whispers in my ear, and a full-body shiver travels through me. I know what he wants: for all of our three pieces to fit together again. We’ve never done it with all of him inside me—usually, they only tease me while I’m so full, just putting in a few fingers, but I know I can take him.

“Please,” I murmur, and Drazak’s breath hitches. He reaches between us, to the place where Han’zir’s cock thrusts in and out of me, and coats his fingers in our juices, using them to test me. He teases the puckered hole between my cheeks, widening it with one digit, and then two. I fall against Han’zir, already overcome by the pressure of his cock and Drazak’s hand inside me. My moans become cries as my orc widens that taut ring of muscle further, and then positions himself behind me, slathering his cock with oil to ease his way.

When the fat head of Drazak’s cock prods at my second entrance, I let out a sharp cry. It’s tight and painful at first, but my orc is patient. Han’zir pants as he pauses his frantic thrusting, watching what Drazak is about to do.

“We’ll fill her up quite full,” Han’zir remarks, bringing his hands up to my breasts. “Ah, these are so beautiful.” He kisses me hard as Drazak finally slips in. I moan as it widens me, stretching me, forcing me to give. With Han’zir’s cock inside me already, the sensation of Drazak filling me up, too, is almost more than I can bear. I cry out, and Drazak slows his invasion, leaning over me to breathe in my ear.

“Relax, sweet one,” he whispers, thrusting shallowly, and the pain and pleasure meld together into an indescribable feeling. His hands travel my body, caressing me like something precious and fragile. I know then who he is, how I’ve always been meant for him. It feels like I’m being consumed by them both. As Drazak tests me, Han’zir starts to move again, and my troll lets out a strangled groan.

“She’s so tight,” he mutters helplessly. Then Drazak slips the rest of the way inside, and I feel as if I might simply break apart with the ferocious pleasure that overwhelms me. Drazak’s arms wind around my chest, holding me steady as he always does. My sturdy orc who protects me, whose huge, bright soul peeks out from behind his stern face. As he settles in place, he groans and holds me close.