I know what he plans to do. I groan as my cock is swallowed up, as Esme moans and cries underneath me, as Han’zir finds the puckered hole between my cheeks. He slides a finger inside me, and his hand is trembling with his overflowing need. It takes everything in my power not to go off immediately. But I have work still to do on our Esme, even as her cries climb and her small channel tightens. I slow my feverish pumping so that Han’zir can widen my ass further, teasing me open for him. I long for that discomfort that will come when his cock fulfills its purpose, because it might be my only salvation.

“Drazak,” my troll murmurs into my shoulder as he slathers himself up with even more oil, and rubs his cock all around my entrance. “Watching you two, you are beautiful.” His hand grazes over both of us, caressing us, as his cock nudges its way inside me. “All I’ve ever wanted.”

Han’zir has never spoken to me with such reverence. Something inside him is changing. Our beautiful Esme opens her eyes, staring up at me in confusion as to why I’ve slowed our pace. Then she sees Han’zir behind me, and her mouth falls open.

When my troll thrusts into me, only shallowly, my whole body bucks. I ram myself deep in Esme’s cunt, moaning at the overwhelming sensation of my cock inside her and Han’zir inside me. I bite down hard on my lip so I don’t burst, and slow my thrusts as my troll slowly works his way in, searching out the place where he belongs, just as I am now. He grunts and falls forward against my back, his chest already heaving. He buries his face in my neck as I start to move once more inside our Esme, my cock so slick with her that it glides in and out. Han’zir groans again as he settles where he belongs, his hands digging into my hips as he starts to pump. Now he guides our movements, each motion of his body triggering one in mine, as if we are both fucking Esme together.

I will make sure she never wants to leave us. I will fill her up with my seed and so will Han’zir fill her up with his, and I will make sure not a drop of it leaks out. Maybe she is small and human, but we will try our hardest to seed her, and should we get lucky... Oh, imagining her round with Han’zir’s whelp, her breasts dripping as we fuck her, my mind and my cock and my soul are all ablaze.

I close my eyes and lose myself in the feel of both of them, my perfect two. Now I can sense each of them near me. Where once Han’zir felt out of my reach, together with Esme at this moment, I can touch him at last. As she slides into the place where she fits, so does Han’zir, and the three pieces all snap together as they form the picture that is us.

My mates.

Two of them. That is why Han’zir never felt the mate bond with me before—we were always waiting for her, our Esme. She was meant for us as much as we were meant for her. And now we are complete. I know that this was always meant to happen, that every painful thing that’s led us here was for a reason.

When the realization strikes me, I can’t hold back any longer. I look down into her huge brown eyes, and they are just as wide and surprised as mine. Then they close and her whole body tightens, clamping down on my cock so hard that it’s only Han’zir stroking inside me that keeps me going. I roar as my peak takes me, as I fill up thick and swollen inside her, as I shoot out everything I have to give and more. She cries out our names, her head falling back as Han’zir fucks me harder and harder. He moans raggedly, shoving himself deep one more time, striking that place inside me that only he can reach, and I bellow as I pump even more seed inside Esme’s dripping cunt. She rocks and moans, her body seizing as another furious climax sweeps her under. Han’zir echoes her cries as he jettisons all of himself inside me, and collapses against my back.

Now, they are mine. My everything.


I’m not sure if I imagined what just happened. When I pull myself free of Drazak’s beautiful ass, my cock slick with my seed, he turns to me and right then, I know we felt the same thing.

Esme. She is ours and we are hers, and each other’s. The mate bond I’ve always longed for was right here. We were simply waiting for her to arrive. I kiss him, hard, harder than I ever have, and drop a hand to his rapidly-beating heart. He holds it there for a moment, panting against me. Then I stumble to the bed and collapse onto it alongside them. Drazak’s thick seed is seeping out of her, so I gather it with my fingers and press it back in, and she moans under me.

“Can’t let any of Drazak’s gift escape,” I whisper to her. Drazak nods in agreement. Already his cock is stiffening again. He is an animal, my orc. Perhaps I should let him fuck me next.

But he is exhausted, too, and Esme gasps for air a few times as he rolls off of her. I drag my hand over her chest to Drazak’s and back again. He turns onto his side to curl around Esme, linking his arm with mine across her belly. Today I think I’ve seen him at both his most primal and his most tender. I am fascinated to find out what else I will learn about him, this orc who I thought I fully understood.

Now that we are mates, the true gate will open for me.

I’d always thought it strange and cruel that fate, or whatever higher power chooses these things, wouldn’t let me find it in Drazak. But now I understand.

“Han’zir?” Esme whispers, her body fully relaxed, her eyes barely open. “Drazak?”

“Hmm?” Drazak murmurs.

“Yes, puppy?” I ask.

“Thank you.” She covers our arms with her tiny hands and squeezes them. “I am home.”

Drazak and I exchange a look over her head. I had wondered if a human could be imprinted, too, or if only the two of us were bound by mating. Now I think we have our answer.

“You are,” Drazak answers, tucking her head under his chin.

“You will always be with us,” I tell her, running my palm over her body. She nods and smiles, her eyes falling closed, her breathing turning slow and steady.

“Drazak?” I whisper to him.

I didn’t realize he was falling asleep until he twitches at the sound of his name. “What?”

“Do you think we can put a whelp in her?” I breathe Esme in deeply, not yet ready to sleep and forget all the shining, perfect edges of this moment. Tomorrow will be the next day, and not all the details will be as firm in my mind as they are right now.

His eyebrows raise. “I don’t know. She’s human. But the thought did cross my mind.” Then a troubled look comes over him. “What if we could?”

“Well, then, I’d want to. One of us.” I cover Drazak’s hand with mine.

But that concerned look on his face doesn’t leave. “We can’t.” He glances down at her, and his expression softens into something else, something I can’t identify. “Outside this bed, Han, everything is fucked. We are ruined. I don’t know if we’ll ever recover.”