I step closer, gently pulling away from her sweet, wet mouth to drop my hands under the water. There they find their way to her small breasts, which each fit more than neatly into my palms. Her eyes are still the size of saucers, disbelieving, even as she gasps with pleasure and her body bends into my touch. How do I make her believe?

I know one way. So I lean down and kiss her.


She went down to the river to wash her clothes this morning, before Drazak dragged himself out of bed. He’s never been a late sleeper, but this catastrophe has changed all of us.

So I decided to play a little game. I’m not quite certain what will happen when he’s presented with this opportunity, and I want to find out.

I stay at a reasonable distance, keeping track of Drazak’s shadow as he moves through the trees. I remain there, inside the tree cover, as he takes off his clothes. I’m surprised by such a bold move, but something about her seems to trigger a different part of him, a dominance I haven’t seen before. The way he strides into the water, right towards her, makes me wonder if his pull to her is stronger than I thought.

I’m even more surprised when, his hands cupping her small breasts, he leans forward and kisses her. It’s shocking to see him swoop down low and take her lips so confidently. I lean further forward, keeping myself hidden behind a wide tree trunk, as his hands explore her body. She’s so different from either of us, with that soft swell of hip and the narrow ribcage, the small hands and curved thighs, and I’m entranced by the sight of him touching her. What would she feel like under my hands?

I wonder if he’ll tell me.

His arms bring her in closer, wrapping all the way around her small body, and she lets out a gasp as Drazak’s hand dips down between her thighs, seeking out what precious riches lie there.

Esme’s head falls back and her mouth opens in a low moan, sending a tingle up my spine. My cock twitches at the sight of Drazak’s big, naked body bent down over hers, and I wish I could be there with them. They’re beautiful.

But perhaps this moment is theirs and theirs alone. Ducking my head to stay out of sight, I turn around and leave.


“Good keva,” Drazak says as he drags his hand down my hip and then across my belly, testing out every inch of me, sampling it with his fingers. It fills me with pleasure to hear him say it, to know that I’m doing a good job, even though I’m not sure what exactly that job is. Though his cock is fully hard and pressed up against my other hip, so I guess I have a clue.

I never expected Drazak. When he appeared in the trees, I worried he might chastise me for some reason or another. Instead he simply watched me, and as he took off his clothes, I saw exactly what he wanted—and I knew I wanted it, too. Now that thick, sturdy body, the powerful belly and muscled chest is filling my head with every dirty thought it’s possible to have. All this time I’ve been desperate for the big orc’s approval, but perhaps what I really needed was this.

While his hands discover me, I do the same to him, raising my palm to his dark green skin. I test out the give only to find tough, dense muscle there. His gentle fingers dip downward, toward the cavity between my thighs, and one slides neatly between them. Oh, how just that tiny hint, that suggestion of what else he could do there, sets my body aflame. When I drag my hand past his nipple in response, Drazak bites his lip, and I’m drawn back up to his mouth. I’ve always liked the way his thick lips wrap around his tusks, drawing his lower jaw out, giving him a brutishness that strikes a chord in me, deep down inside.

This time I tilt my head up to bring our mouths together, and he crushes me against his body when he takes me. The way he kisses me is different from the way he kisses Han’zir—more forceful, like he’s trying to consume me and bring me into himself.

Han’zir. My hands freeze, and I jerk away from that overwhelming kiss. I search Drazak’s yellow eyes, trying to find the meaning behind this, why he’s naked in the water with me with his cock eagerly nudging at my belly and hinting at where else it could be.

“Keva?” he says, brow furrowing at my withdrawal. He pulls me back in and, more eagerly this time, slips the pad of his finger between my folds. I can’t hold in the quiet moan that escapes me.

“Wait.” I’m breathing hard when I back away, and his hand falls to his side. “Han’zir.” I shake my head, my stomach twisting. “You and Han’zir.”

Drazak falls still. I’m embarrassed that I let it get this far before thinking of him. When I finally look up, I find Drazak’s face hard and severe. He turns away from me, his shoulders now clenched tight around his neck and his hand balled up into fists. I back away further, now alarmed at what I’ve said, what it’s set off inside him. I think of my master when he grew angry with me, when he got that look in his eye that told me it was time to run.

“Fuck,” Drazak says, mouth set in a hard line. Then he shuts his eyes and breathes out, deeply. I stand there, waiting for what he’s going to do next, readying myself to flee if I need to.

But he answers my question for me by heading straight for the shoreline, leaving me standing in the middle of the river. Cursing under his breath, he yanks his clothes back on, never once looking back at me. Then he rushes up the slope, towards the house.

I pick up my own clothes, still damp, and my hands tremble as I put them on. Then I trudge home, not believing what I’ve done.

Drazak is Han’zir’s, not mine. I knew that, but still, I got carried away in him.

My guilt rises up until I’m drowned in its shadow, and then it crashes over me.

Chapter 9


I’m surprised to see Drazak return not too much later. I expected they would be gone a while, but when I take in his dour expression, a thread of fear weaves through me. Did something happen?

Drazak runs a hand over his hair, glancing at me once with a furious look on his face before stalking past into the house, the door slamming behind him.

Esme returns a few minutes later, alone, and sits down on the log farthest away from me. She draws her knees together, crouching forward as if to make herself look smaller.