Page 44 of Sanctuary

I rolled my eyes at him and headed off to find Balefire. Let them all laugh. Fife was my mate. I could kiss him in public anytime I wanted to. Besides, we were all fae, and our kind weren't known for discretion or prudish behavior. One little kiss was nothing.

That didn't make me stop blushing, however.

But funny as this all might be, Bach was right. We needed to get home so Fife could do one last bit of magic at the manor to activate his net spell and set it to alert him if it caught someone intending to do harm.

I could daydream about my conversation with Fife all I wanted to once that was done.

Chapter 25

The next couple of days were a flurry of festival preparations. The event would be held in two weeks' time, and it suddenly seemed like there were too many unfinished projects. The construction of a new inn and tavern had just been completed and needed our inspection. And there were the usual petty things that cropped up, like an argument between a couple of food vendors over who had reserved the prized location for their food stall, or a disagreement over how to choose the lady or lad of the harvest. The lad or lady was a coveted position—a youth who would be plied with food, wine, and romantic partners on the first day of the festival while they tended the altar in the town center. It was all part of the abundance ceremonies that would last all week long in honor of the elder nature spirits who gave us such bounty.

With all of the little duties and tasks that were divided among us, I felt like I hardly had a moment to speak with my mates. Which was unbearably frustrating, given the conversation I'd had with Fife at the pass. But finally, on the afternoon of the second day, I somehow found myself in the informal sitting room with all of my mates and no obligations for the next few hours. We had handled everything we could for the festival preparations. The royal inquisitor had sent me a vague and unhelpful update on their efforts to determine who was trying to do me harm. I had replied with a follow up letter to the king and queen about our own efforts. Fife’s trap was laid. That left us with nothing much to do other than wait.

I was curled up on one of the couches reading a romance novel when Mirri wandered in. His auburn waves were wind-ruffled, and the warm light of the setting sun reached through the window to touch the gold highlights there, making it look like he wore a blazing halo. He smiled when he saw me reading, and came over to join me on the couch.

I watched him fondly as he got his wings settled comfortably and leaned back against the couch with a sigh. "You've been out flying?" I asked, happiness infusing my words. At my encouragement, Mirri hadn't hidden his wings since he arrived in Larkwood, and the ability to be himself clearly agreed with him. He had taken to flying a lap around the estate most afternoons—to watch over the place, he said. But I knew it was because he simply loved to fly.

He turned his head and grinned at me as he answered my question. "That obvious, is it?"

I reached over to touch the top of one of his wings, where it peeked up over his shoulder. "I always envied Ama and the other highborn females," I admitted. "I've always wondered what it would be like to fly without the need of a winged mount. You must feel so…free. Like nothing can ever really hold you down."

Mirri took my hand and pressed a kiss to my knuckles. "I do feel free. Now. People have been surprisingly accepting of a male with female wings, here in your territory." His smile turned wry. "Though, perhaps that's because of who my mate is."

I shook my head. "I doubt it. I think it has more to do with you. With how you don't act like you have anything to apologize for. The people here are more laid-back than in some other places. But they've also gotten a chance to know you. You haven't held back from them from the first moment you arrived here. I don't think they see you as a 'male with female wings' so much as they see you as someone interesting, and helpful, and kindhearted—who also just happens to have beautiful wings."

Mirri hummed in agreement and leaned over to look at what I was reading. "Mind if I join you?" he asked eagerly. "This is one of my favorite books."

I nodded, and he took the book, then pulled me in close under his arm so I was snuggled against his chest and surrounded by his warm aura and cinnamon scent. Mirri's voice rumbled through me as he read aloud in a soft tone. I hadn't been read to since I was a child. It was strange and sweet. Romantic and homey. And I loved it.

A few moments later, Bach came into the sitting room, his hair damp, and his casual cotton shirt open at the throat. He had spent the morning taking care of paperwork, but made some time this afternoon to attend sparring practice with Jasper and some of the royal guards. I imagined he had worked up quite a sweat, but he smelled of lemon soap as he leaned over the back of the couch and kissed the top of my head. "Don't mind me," he said when Mirri stopped reading. "I just wanted to grab a drink and relax a moment."

He went to the sideboard and poured himself a drink, then, when Mirri and I declined his offer to pour one for us, he came back and dragged a padded footstool over to sit near the couch. Mirri pressed a kiss to my temple, then resumed reading while Bach surprised me by pulling my feet into his lap for a foot rub.

I sighed in bliss as Bach's big, strong hands worked over my sore feet. I had spent all morning on my feet running here and there, being an extra set of hands for the committee that handled festival preparations. I didn't ever want to be one of those officials who holed up in their fancy office and never walked among the commoners, but some days, it was tempting.

Adder joined us shortly after that, pausing on the threshold as he took in the sight of our domestic bliss. "Am I interrupting?" he asked slowly.

Bach waved him in with a laugh. "Perfect timing, Adder! You can grab me that blanket there. Her legs are cold."

I blinked at him in surprise. Mirri was a warm banked coal beside me, but my legs were a little chilly. What was happening right now? I watched in shock when cool, stoic Adder came and lovingly draped the soft throw over my legs as Bach continued to massage my foot and ankle, his hands dipping under the blanket to get to my calf.

"Do you need food?" Adder asked as he leaned over the back of the couch to see my face. "Something to drink?"

Fife glided into the room at the exact moment that I realized what was going on. "Aren't you all cute?" he said happily. "I brought music." He held up a small blue violin and bow as he came to join our little group.

"You planned this!" I accused, sitting up straighter and glancing at each of them as Fife came and pulled up a chair nearby.

The tips of Bach's gray ears turned pink, and he gave me a sheepish smile. "Perhaps."

Mirri tucked a chunk of hair behind my ear and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "It's the way of things," he reminded me, amusement in his warm voice.

He was right, of course. There was this whole…ritual around how a fae male was supposed to demonstrate the intention to care for his mate before they consummated their bond. But it was all so old-fashioned. I hadn't even thought about that.

"This is so unnecessary," I protested. As if I needed them to make some grand gesture before I welcomed them into my bed.

"Oh, just be quiet and let us woo you," Fife commanded, lifting his violin and cradling it in the hollow of his neck and shoulder. "We still have sucking up to do, after all." He winked.

I shook my head, but relaxed back into Mirri's arms as I waved an imperious hand at them. "Fine. Woo me."