Page 12 of Sanctuary

When we finally descended the last slope of the mountains and set eyes on the fields beyond, I let out a happy sigh. Home. I was almost home. The territory of Larkwood didn't boast a bunch of cities like Astra. The outlying borders were mostly taken up by farmland and vineyards, with the occasional small village here and there, and the larger town of Mistvale in the north central area of the territory. We rode through rolling hills and quaint, low stone fences built from the rocky earth of our mountain-bound land.

I waved happily to people in passing, stopping now and then to ask how this year's crops were faring. I knew almost every citizen by name, or at least by family name, and it filled me with warmth to finally feel that closeness again, rather than the cool distance that ruled the court and the capital city.

I felt the eyes of my mates on me the whole time, judging every interaction. Most nobles in my position would likely think that stopping to chat with working class fae was below their station. But I didn't care what anyone else thought. This was my home. These people were my family, even if there was no blood between us.

As we traveled further into Larkwood, I dropped back to ride with my mates. Not only was I proud of my home territory, but I also knew they would need to know it as well as I did if they were going to be my co-stewards. I pointed out landmarks and resources, and they took it all in with open curiosity, asking insightful questions and occasionally murmuring ideas about where they might be able to assist.

Some of the tightly coiled tension inside of me eased a bit at their reactions. They might not have fully forgiven me for deceiving them, but they were good men, under all the irritating behavior. They were nobles who had been trained in diplomacy and in the running of wealthy estates. They took their new position seriously. And if I had to choose between mates who loved me or mates who earnestly looked out for the wellbeing of the people I served…I would take the latter any day.

We traveled through Larkwood for several days, and I proudly showed my mates everything I could. We stopped at inns at night as we traveled into more populated areas, and unlike our previous stay at the Last Light inn, the places in Larkwood had plenty of vacancies. We each got our own rooms, and I gloried in the comfortable lodgings and the ability to lounge in a private bathtub.

But I had to admit that a small part of me missed the silent presence of my mates when I tried to fall asleep at night.

By the time we reached Mistvale, Larkwood's largest city, and the location of my estate, I was nearly vibrating in my seat. I was as excited as a kid at solstice. But I was also inexplicably nervous. They might drive me mad with frustration, but I wanted my mates to like it here. To love my home as much as I did.

It was silly. They wouldn't be staying long, thanks to that clause in our bonding contract. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but want to impress them.

I didn't know how Mistvale measured up to their home city or the other places they had traveled. Larkwood wasn't as wealthy and well-to-do as Trireme or Astra. It was very likely that they would find themselves completely underwhelmed.

The manor wasn't located in the center of Mistvale, a conscious decision made by my stepmother's ancestors that I was forever grateful for. Instead, Northbower estate lay on the far side of town, where the busy streets gave way to ambling lanes lined with flower fields and vegetable stalls, and occasionally frequented by troupes of traveling performers from other parts of Elfhaven and beyond. The lands of my estate stretched out as far as the eye could see. Beyond lay the dark, tangled forest and rugged hills of the Wild wood, or as locals called it, the Wilds. The wilderness ran up to the foot of the mountains, which surrounded Larkwood in a crescent moon shape, cutting us off from the dwarves and trolls on the far northern end of the continent.

I had always loved having The Wilds at my back and Mistvale spreading out in front of me. Wild nature and bustling civilization all at once. I pointed out the landmarks to the men as we rode up the wide lane toward the manor, smirking when I saw Jasper's head turn to follow my gesture as I pointed off in the direction of Trollheim. He had heard the romanticized stories about the troll wars and latched onto them like every teenager did. Too bad for him, those bloody days were long behind us.

At last, we crossed a pretty stone bridge over a small stream and passed through the manor gates. Flowering vines and variegated ivy twined along the gate and dangled overhead, framing the first view of my home.

The manor wasn't ostentatious or loud. It didn't scream riches and pomp. To me, it had always seemed more about comfort than wealth. I took in the sight, trying to see the sprawling two-story building of pale fieldstone and dark wood through the eyes of a stranger. " Welcome to Northbower estate," I said with a flourish. "They gathered the stone from the surrounding fields," I said inanely, my voice overly bright, and my fingers curling into Balefire's mane as my anxiety got the best of me. "The wood is from the Wilds. Coal trees. Named for their color, of course." I cleared my throat and glanced at the men to find them curiously studying my home with somewhat unreadable expressions.

"Um, there are extensive gardens out behind the house." I licked my lips and forced myself to look at Fife, who had grown up as the son of a much wealthier steward than I currently was. His mother's estate must be a glittering gem next to my simple home. "You're welcome to harvest anything you'd like from the grounds or from the woods to use in your magic working. And we can plant anything you find missing."

His green eyes traveled around the loosely landscaped front gardens, to the looming dark woods beyond, and finally returned to meet my gaze. "I see."

Still cold and flat. But I knew he was probably dying to go poking around looking for rare spell ingredients in the Wild Wood.

"Right." I nodded and got a grip on myself. I needed to stop acting like an eager, smitten girl and recall that I was the steward here, and mistress of this entire estate.

Someone had seen us approaching and sent staff out to greet us. Dismounting, I turned to Currant and introduced her to our stable master. "This is Ludwig," I told her, gesturing to the middle-aged human who made tending to our animals their life's mission. "They will take excellent care of your griffons, if you follow them. And when that's taken care of, you can report to the manor and one of the staff will show you your rooms and give you a tour of the grounds." The guards would stay with us for a time, until we were all safely settled, per royal orders. The other extra soldiers the king had sent here ahead of us were already garrisoned at the small barracks in Mistvale and had been assigned to various duties throughout the territory before our arrival.

Balefire snorted happily at Ludwig and nudged the lanky human with his enormous head, nearly bowling them over. "All right, all right, you terrible beast," the stable master said with laughter in their voice. "I've got a big old barrel of apples, and fish, and mushroom caps just for you. Let's go show your new friends their lodgings."

I smiled fondly after Ludwig as they led Balefire and the guards away, taking my mates’ mounts along with them. Then I turned to greet the man who had been much like a father to me since my own parents passed away. "Saffron," I said, stepping in close for a hug. "I missed you so much."

He hugged me briefly and patted my back, but didn't let me make too much of a production out of it. He was much too serious and professional for that, though the warmth in his eyes said he was as happy to see me as I was to see him. "Welcome home, Lady Katrina," he said with a soft smile. "I've asked the staff to prepare a light lunch and some refreshments. And your favorite tarts. They should be ready soon."

"Thank you," I said happily. Nothing was better than Cook's apple tarts. She was a lowborn fae with bean-tighe blood. Cook was both her actual name, and her favorite past time. Stepping aside, I gestured to the men who stood silently around us. "Saffron, may I introduce my mates and the new co-stewards of Larkwood, Lords Bach, Mirri, Adder, and Fife?"

He sketched a formal bow. "It is a pleasure to meet you, gentlemen."

I kept smiling, but I was suddenly feeling lightheaded from the realization that I had just introduced my mates. My co-stewards. Somehow, it hadn't seemed truly real until now. I pushed the rising emotions down and indicated the tall man before me. "This is Saffron, our butler. He has the magical ability to keep every single thing in this house running smoothly and he always knows what you need before you even know it yourself. I think he employs invisible sprites to spy on us."

The butler chuckled. "You give away all of my secrets, my lady." Turning his polite smile on my mates, he gestured toward the house. "I'm sure you are all road weary from your travels. If it suits you, I will show you to your rooms so you can clean up and rest a bit, and take part in the refreshments. I will have staff bring up your belongings."

Bach nodded to him, ever the group spokesman. "Thank you, Saffron. We would appreciate that."

Turning to me, he gave a short bow. "My lady. Please let us know when our presence is required."

I kept my bland smile in place somehow as I nodded to him. When their presence was required. As if I would tuck them away into their rooms now and only call on them when needed. "Make yourselves comfortable, and don't hesitate to ask the staff for anything you need," I said politely in response.

This place had always been a sanctuary for me, a place where I could be happy and at ease. I had stupidly hoped that my mates would one day feel the same sense of warmth and security here as I did. But instead, these males saw my home as a prison. Saffron led my new bonded mates into our home, and I trailed behind them, the joy and relief of my return to Northbower estate soured by the melancholy note of discord that still lingered between us.