Page 5 of Tournament

I was in the capital city of Brightfall for a final round of meetings with the royal advisors about the upcoming tournament. Today was, in my stressed, slightly panicked mind, the last day of my life as I knew it. The last bit of freedom before I gave up everything to be the steward that the people of Larkwood deserved.

Still, I had hoped for something more exciting than…this.

"Oh!" a deep voice said, breaking through my thoughts of violence. "There you are. I've been looking for you, my dear. Sorry I'm late."

I looked up to find a large, handsome highborn male standing beside the table holding a pitcher of beer and an extra glass. He smiled fondly at me as if we were old friends, then turned his attention to my erstwhile companion. "Am I interrupting?" he said smoothly. "Introduce me to your friend, darling."

I somehow managed not to laugh out loud at the other guy's bitter, crestfallen expression. "Oh," I said brightly. "No need, he was just leaving, my love."

The blond guy muttered something about highborn assholes and left to go nurse his wounded pride elsewhere. I watched my new guest as he set the beer down and put his hand on the chair the other hopeful had just abandoned. His long, thick fingers were tipped with short black claws, and smooth horns of the same color arched up and back from his hairline, ending in wicked points. "I hope you're not angry," he said softly. "I've seen that man in here before and he has a reputation for being a bit…rough around the edges. And you didn't look like you exactly appreciated his advances." He nodded to the pitcher. "The bartender was kind enough to tell me what kind of beer you favored. If you'd rather be alone, I'll take my leave."

I swept my eyes over him, from the long legs encased in tall, well-made boots, to the perfectly tailored pants, shirt, and jacket that hugged his muscular frame. Wavy dark brown hair fell just past his shoulders, pulled back in a loose tail to reveal his ears. Unlike most highborn fae, his ears had four points, with a scalloped flare between them like a fish's fin. Probably thanks to some sort of water affinity. And I thought he might have some stone or earth affinity as well, given the almost granite tint of his grayish skin. His face was chiseled perfection, from his square jaw and aquiline nose to his vivid blue eyes.

I was here looking for company, after all. One last good fling. What were the chances I'd find a man so stunningly attractive willing to entertain me? I shrugged and gestured at the chair. "Have a seat, darling," I said, smirking as I kept up our ruse of knowing one another. "I've been waiting for you."

He chuckled, low and rich, as he pulled out the chair and joined me. Pouring out a glass of beer for himself, he lifted his drink in salute. "To new friends?"

I smiled and lifted my glass as well.

There was really no reason this man should be any more agreeable to me than the other pleasure-seeker. Except maybe his good looks. But there was something about him that drew me in. I really wanted him to be the one who made me forget my life for a night.

He took a sip of his drink, and I watched the strong column of his throat work as he swallowed. His sharp blue eyes stayed riveted on me the whole time, with an intensity that made me flush. "Are you from the Brightfall, or just visiting?" he asked easily as he set his glass down and leaned his forearms on the table. He looked a bit tired. Relieved to take a load off. As if maybe he had traveled quite some distance himself.

"I'm just in town briefly for some business," I said, ignoring the tightness in my chest that made it difficult to breathe whenever I thought about just what that business was.

He nodded. "It's the same for me," he confided, glancing away as he waved down a server. "I plan to enjoy the evening as much as I can before I'm tied down for the foreseeable future by my own business matters."

When the server arrived, my companion inquired whether I'd eaten. He ordered bread, cheese, and fruit when I requested something light. I tried to pay, but he waved me away, laying out enough coin for our food and drinks, plus a more than generous tip for the server.

The cozy room around us was filling up. People laughed and chatted as a fire was lit in the big fireplace and a bard started playing a happy jig on his fiddle for those boisterous enough to dance.

"You're really not obligated to spend the evening chatting with me out of some sort of chivalry," I informed him as we ate and drank in companionable silence. "I could have handled one insufferable oaf on my own. And he's gone now."

He shook his head, his blue eyes sparkling as they met mine. "Do you honestly think it was only chivalry that motivated me? Who would pass up the opportunity to get to know such a fascinating woman?"

I laughed into my cup, rolling my eyes. "Right, fascinating."

He arched his brows at me and leveled a serious look my way. "May I be uncomfortably honest?"

I set my cup down and swallowed nervously, butterflies swirling in my stomach. "Please do."

He smirked at my sudden tension. "I have had run-ins with that man who was bothering you before. He's been known to not take no for an answer when he corners a barmaid. It gave me great satisfaction to ruin his plans for the evening." He grinned, revealing white teeth and slightly pointed canines. "But I would have tried to talk to you, regardless. Not only are you beautiful, but you have this refreshing air about you. I doubt I'd find such a warm aura in all the city if I scoured it for days."

I huffed a laugh. High magic might be beyond me, but warm and inviting, I could do. It was part of my innate makeup, thanks to the bit of brownie blood I had inherited from my father. "May I be scathingly honest?" I asked in return, quirking a brow at him.

He nodded and sat back in his chair as he gave me the same reply I had given him, only this time with a hint of flirtation. "Please do."

I felt my face heat, but I refused to look away from his penetrating blue eyes. "I'm in desperate need of a companion for the evening, but it's been far too long since I tried my hand at this seduction nonsense. If you'd like to spend the evening with me, I have a room upstairs."

He let out a sudden laugh, as if I had caught him by surprise. "See?" he said with a smile that grew heated around the edges. "Refreshing." His big hand covered mine on the table and he tilted his head in question. "I think our goals are the same. I will probably find myself tied up by my own business affairs for a long time, so I intend to thoroughly enjoy myself tonight. But are you sure you feel safe with a big, scary stranger like me?"

I flipped my hand over and laced my fingers through his much larger, warmer ones. "We are in a public establishment. And you have no idea what kind of magic I'm capable of." I winked. "Besides, if you tell me your name, we won't be strangers anymore, will we?"

He shook his head, but humor glimmered in his eyes. "Brazen woman. But I can't very well argue with you, since I'm truly no threat to your wellbeing. You can call me Ward."

I shivered a little as his aura reached for mine. I could call him Ward. Implying that wasn't really his name. But did it matter? I wasn't about to tell him all my personal details either. "You can call me Rina," I said as I stood. It was close to my real name. Close enough for tonight.

He stood as well, gently tugging me closer with the hand that still held mine. I tilted my head back to look up at his towering height. The fingers of his free hand gently touched my cheek as he leaned down. "Shall we go upstairs, Rina?" he whispered. His nose bumped mine teasingly before his chiseled lips stole a chaste kiss that made my entire body flood with warmth.