He chuckled, low and rich, pulling on his undershorts before he sauntered over to the sideboard to fetch some food and drink. I pulled on my own underclothes and climbed onto the bed, grinning when he joined me so we could sit cross-legged and chat about the stupid things we did as children while we filled our bellies.
We made love again just before dawn, slow and sweet this time. I tried to stay awake to watch him go. To tell him that this night really meant the world to me, since I hadn't spent it worrying endlessly about my future and all the hardships to come. But in the end, I drifted off in his strong arms and woke up alone.
It was time to meet with the king and queen of Elfhaven for the final time before the tournament officially started. Today was the end of the life I knew before. It was the day I got over my silly daydreams and did what was right for my people.
But as I washed up and got dressed to return to the palace, I was haunted by the memory of bright blue eyes and secret smiles in the darkness between stolen kisses.
Chapter 5
The next day, I made my way out of my suite and down to the ground floor of the palace, glad to leave the babbling servants to work their magic as they unpacked the last of my things and set my room to rights. As a steward of Elfhaven and a member of the nobility, I paid a small fee to keep rooms at the palace, which were mine to use anytime I was called here for business. Although, most of the time I only came here to spend time with my best friend, rather than because of any pressing need to talk business. This time I would stay at the palace for an extended period—until the tournament was over and I was bonded to a group of strangers who would help me with the running of my territory.
Because of the length of my stay, there were several trunks of luggage to be put away, and I was happy to leave the servants to it.
My presence had been requested for a time near the end of the royal council meeting, so I could speak with the king and queen, and a couple of their advisors and assistants, about the final details of the tournament. It was my last chance to approve of the challenges that had been set forth for the contestants, and to make any last-minute changes or requests. To say I was keyed-up would be an understatement.
I should refuse the royal tournament and insist on finding my own mates. But just the thought of trying to meet, vet, and woo suitable potential partners before the mountain pass was complete and the status of the mines got out…no. The tournament was the most logical way to proceed.
The royals were right. I would need all the help I could get once things changed in Larkwood. And this silly tournament was a straightforward solution. It would not only ensure that I had strong, capable partners on my side as Larkwood grew, but would also provide a bit of pageantry and excitement, an excuse for merriment that the people of Elfhaven always appreciated. Some of the stories humans told about fae were true. Our kind certainly did need to be entertained, or they would act out in less acceptable ways…like playing deadly pranks or starting wars.
It might just be in our blood. But personally, I suspected that being so long-lived just made people go stir-crazy.
I straightened the intricately embroidered, corset-boned silk jacket I currently wore, fussing over my appearance in a way that I normally wouldn't if I were at home, in the more relaxed atmosphere of Mistvale. Here at court, every item of clothing was selected to impress powerful rich people and make me stand upright while I was doing it.
The long, ruffled skirt of my deep cranberry coat was open in the front to reveal fitted pants and tall boots of supple suede. My wayward brown hair had been styled into a braided crown with lavender and cream flowers woven into it. I might be short and stout compared to the highborn elves around me, and my upswept hair did nothing to hide my rounded ears, but for once, I knew I looked every bit the noble steward that I really was.
I kept my shoulders back and my chin up as I descended the stairs into the wing of the palace that was nearest the front entrance. It was where the public offices were, and the area was even more bustling and crowded than usual. A dull background chatter filled the open space. The murmur of conversation and the shuffling of feet on the marble floors echoed under the tall arched ceilings of pale blue-gray stone. A long line had formed outside one of the offices. Several palace staff spoke with the people gathered there, answering questions and herding them through the tall, carved wooden doors into the public office. It took me a moment to realize what all the fuss was about.
Right. The tournament. The rowdy, twisting line of males, young and old, rich and poor…they were all waiting for their turn to formally register their entry in the competition. My eyes raked over the line, taking in the hopeful men who chatted or bantered. Some looked excited and hopeful. Others waited patiently. While still others looked serious, maybe nervous or on-edge.
This silly event wouldn't only change my life. The king and queen wanted me to build a large House. I had talked them down from the eight mates they had initially recommended. After countless letters and Amaryllis's intervention on my behalf, we finally compromised at four. Four men whose future would be tied to mine. Four men who were willing to bond to a stranger for a chance to better their lot in life, whether that meant a vast change in fortune, or simply a change in social status and recognition.
I felt dizzy as the weight of it all settled onto my shoulders. I had been so focused on how this would change my life that I had failed to worry over the four others who would be affected by the outcome. Four other people who I would feel responsible for. Four other people whose happiness would be dependent, at least in part, on me.
I was so caught up in my momentary panic that I wasn't paying attention. As I crossed the public area and headed toward the adjacent wing where the council meetings were held, my eyes were still on that huge line of tournament hopefuls. I failed to see the man who was exiting the office by a side door until I slammed into him.
Big hands caught my shoulders, and I craned my head back to glance up at the person I had just attempted to run down. Luckily, he was sturdy, so I hadn't knocked him off his feet. My gaze flicked over his broad chest and shoulders, clad in an expensive tailored jacket of cobalt blue with a raven embroidered on the burnished gold epaulets. I stared into startled, vivid blue eyes, and almost laughed out loud as the surprise added to the rising anxiety inside me.
Ward released me and took half a step back as he schooled his handsome features into something more neutral and polite. His eyes raked over my expensive clothes and perfectly primped appearance, so different from when we had met before. He spoke to me as if we were strangers. "I apologize, my lady. I wasn't looking where I was going."
I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry, as my eyes flicked to the doorway behind him. Meeting his eyes again, I bowed my head slightly in acknowledgment. "No apologies necessary," I said into the tension between us. No doubt he thought as I had, that we would never see each other again after our night together. Let alone at the palace, of all places. "I'm afraid I was lost in thought myself."
We stared at each other for a heartbeat, and I wanted to blurt out everything. I wanted to tell him I was the Prize in the tournament he had clearly just entered. He had said he was in the capital city on business. That our night together was his last indulgence before some commitment took up all of his time. The tournament, of course. He had engaged in one last fling with a strange woman at the inn because he was about to sign up to be bonded to a noble who he had never met, and he had no way of knowing whether the agreement would include intimacy. I couldn't blame him, really. Since I had slept with him for the same reason.
He glanced around subtly, as if he was afraid that talking to me was illegal. It almost was, but not for the reasons he probably assumed. I wasn't allowed to tell him who the Prize was. But Ward—if that was even his real name—didn't know that. He seemed like a man with a moral compass. He probably just thought it would be crass if anyone saw him flirting with a lady after he joined the tournament to win someone else's hand. His blue eyes met mine again, and a muscle twitched in his cheek as he no doubt clenched his teeth. "Well met and good travels, my lady," he said politely, turning to take his leave.
I didn't have the presence of mind to return the customary farewell as I watched him stride away. Ward was going to compete for me. He would have to win against all the others, of course. But…what if I found myself bonded to the man? I could certainly think of far worse fates, based on what I knew of him.
Which wasn't much, aside from how good he was in bed. I tore my gaze away from those broad shoulders and that perfect rear view before I could start drooling.
It would be just my luck that Ward would lose, and I'd end up married to an old, ugly jackass of a man instead. I had been incredibly blessed in my life in many ways, but the goddess did seem to rejoice in making things difficult for me whenever possible. This seemed like it might be one of those times.
Although, it could be worse. At least this time, no one was dead.
Chapter 6
Taking a deep breath, I hurried to get to the meeting before I made a complete fool of myself in front of the monarchs and their people.
A pair of guards nodded to me as I entered the council chambers just in time. I slowed my stride to something more polite and collected. Then I made my way down the deep purple carpet toward where the king and queen sat around a circular table with their advisors. Most of the council was taking their leave, their formal business concluded. I nodded to them as they passed. But a few people stayed behind to help with the final plans for the tournament.