Page 48 of Tournament

The moonsilver flowers were beautiful, shaped like lilies with broad leaves. Their petals were pure, snowy white, but glistened with an iridescent sheen, hinting at the magic essence inside them. Each blossom was as big as my hand, and they had to be plucked carefully so as not to damage the plant. They also had to be gathered before the midday sun reached its peak, or most of the magic in them would fade and they'd be little more than pretty flowers. We were mostly silent as we worked, all of us pretending that the prior evening hadn't occurred.

They had been ready to give up their chance at making a dream-match with a rich noblewoman and becoming the masters of a large estate who brushed elbows with royalty. For me. It made my heart swell with emotions that I had to hold back. They chose me—a mixed-up combination of human, brownie, and highborn with round ears and too many curves. A woman who they thought was a mere gossip-monger. An employee of the queen and the imaginary noblewoman they should be pursuing. They were willing to give up on their scheme to outwit Mirri's family. They were willing to risk ridicule, and possibly anger from the royal family, for backing out of the tournament, all for me. And they didn't even know who I was.

To them, I wasn't the steward of Larkwood and best friend of the princess of Elfhaven. I was no one, really. And I had just thrown their sweet gesture back in their faces like it meant nothing.

We could not finish this task and get out of these woods fast enough for my liking.

Once we had the flowers secure, we headed back toward civilization. Back to face all the lies that held me ensnared. Back to the wretched game of hearts. The title sounded far more fitting now. It was definitely a game that put my heart at risk.

At Fife's suggestion, I closed my eyes and drew on what little magic I possessed, then asked the forest spirits to guide us one last time.

I didn't feel worthy of the assistance. I didn't expect the forest to listen to my prayers when my heart and mind were in such turmoil. But when I opened my eyes, the glorious shining stag stood before me.

"Thank you for letting us shelter in your home," I told the forest guardian. "We would like to return to our own home now. Will you show us the way?"

While we could certainly orient ourselves in the correct direction and start hiking, we had no way of knowing how far we were from the border of the forest, or whether the Untamed Wood would play tricks on us along the way. Having the help of this protective spirit would certainly make things easier.

I sighed in relief when the stag dipped his head, lowering his massive antlers, then lifting them in a sign of assent. The creature turned and headed down a path that hadn't been there a moment before, and we all hurried after him.

We walked for at least an hour before the stag turned to look over his shoulder at us. Then he vanished.

"Thank you," I called to the forest, not wanting to take the intervention for granted.

Up ahead, I could hear voices. Probably the search party looking for us. Bach stepped aside and held out an arm, gesturing for me to precede him. "After you, mistress."

Glancing at the handsome males around me one last time, I turned away, squared my shoulders, and prepare to deal with whatever chaos I was about to walk into.

Chapter 39

My long silk skirts swished against the shiny marble floor as I stepped forward and bowed to the king and queen. All the tournament competitors had been retrieved from the Untamed Wood and returned to Astra. I was relieved to find that Balefire was among the search party, helping to guide them to us. Though my pooka companion was still a bit wild-eyed, he seemed otherwise unharmed by whatever spell our attackers had cast on him.

I had returned to my suite at the castle, under heavy guard. Once there, I was allowed time to eat a real meal, get cleaned up, and don appropriate clothing before I was called to the throne room to give my formal report on the attack that had occurred in the forest.

After I told my story to the king, queen, their advisors, and the royal inquisitor, they shared what they had gathered from the others. The teams had all been questioned while I rested and dressed, and it sounded like their stories aligned with mine. Each group had been set upon in the same manner, their mounts driven off, stranding them in the woods. No one had been able to identify the attackers with any certainty. All we could say was that they had been hooded and cloaked, and that at least one of them was able to cast spells. Though some of the magic could have been from premade charms that were invoked during the attack.

The interesting thing was, no team was spared. There was no obvious favorite who was allowed to succeed, the way one would suspect if one of the teams had set this up to help them win.

Although, Lion team did seem to be quite lucky. The other teams had been scattered and separated from their teammates, the way Raven team initially was, but they didn't have a cleric or a forest spirit to help them reunite. However, it seemed three of Lion team's four members had eventually found each other through what they claimed was sheer dumb luck. It was possible it was just a coincidence. Or that they were just that good at survival skills. It would be hard to prove anything else.

But I had my doubts. While he had ended up alone and separated from the rest of his team in what was no doubt a terrifying night in the forest, I thought it suspicious that it was the preening, golden-haired Talon of Lion team who had stumbled from the forest and called for help. He had been the first one to emerge and alert the officials and set the rescue party out to find the rest of us. And he also just happened to have a small bag of gold nuggets in his pocket that he had gathered before his team was attacked, proof that they had achieved their goal of finding a treasure to bring back to the king and queen.

It was yet to be determined who was the winner of the final challenge. Raven, Lion, and Bear teams had all emerged with a treasure and proof of its existence. I had no idea if Peacock team had succeeded. I was more preoccupied with the wellbeing of all the males involved.

Most had spent the night of the wild moon alone in the Untamed Wood. Aside from some scrapes and bruises, the highborn fae males were unharmed, physically. But some of them looked a bit haunted. It had to have been a harrowing experience, and I wasn't sure I really wanted to know the details of what had happened to them when they lost themselves to the moon's magic.

I felt guilty that I had spent the evening enjoying the carnal delights of Raven team, drinking cleric's brew and dancing around a fire, while the others had been afraid for their lives or driven mindless by the moon.

When I finished my report, I stood aside as Ama, the inquisitor, and the royal advisors left the room, leaving me alone with the king, and queen. When the ornate doors closed, I sank down on a nearby stool and let out a heavy sigh. "What a complete disaster," I said tiredly.

King Wolfsbane tilted his head to regard me with one dark brow lifted and an unreadable expression on his face. "I wouldn't say that," he murmured. "I think whoever has been interfering with this tournament is getting desperate. They have shown their hand by carrying out such a blatant trick. It will help us narrow down our suspects."

I gave the mighty Gray King of Elfhaven an unimpressed look. "So, you're finally willing to admit that there is something more going on here? Something you haven't been telling me?"

He smiled, the expression filled with cruel amusement, though I was sure the cruelty wasn't directed at me. He was simply enjoying the challenge this situation presented. Fae and their love of tricks and games.

"Of course there is information that you have not been privy to, and which we chose not to share. Do you fancy yourself worthy of being better advised than the rulers of Elfhaven, little Katrina?"

I huffed. "Oh, no worries. It's only my life you're playing around with. I only spent the night of the wild moon wandering the Untamed Wood. Why should I be concerned?"