Page 71 of Share Me, Daddy

It also made my cock as hard as a rod of steel.

The image of her splayed on her back last night flashed before my eyes, and I nearly groaned out loud. My desire stampeded through me like a group of wild horses, growing louder and louder until my heartbeat was pounding in the pit of my stomach all the way to the base of my spine.

I was so fucking lucky to call her mine, and I was never going to forget that.

Eduardo’s gaze lingered on Anastasia for a moment longer before he begrudgingly acquiesced. “Fine, we’ll discuss thespecifics. But make no mistake, this doesn’t mean I’m thrilled about ceding any territory.”

She maintained her composure, clearing her throat and raising her chin high. “We will prepare a proposal and deliver it to you within forty-eight hours. Now, if there isn’t anything else, I think we can adjourn this meeting until next time, if necessary.”

“I think that’s more than enough for now,” Eduardo said, with a curt nod. He stood up, bowed his head, and left the room, leaving the three of us alone together.

Pride and desire swelled within me as I glanced in her direction.

I wanted nothing more than to strip her bare and fuck her right on top of this table, but now was not the time…


She’d look soprettyagainst the dark mahogany.

Caden cleared his throat, obviously seeing straight through my arousal, and I grinned.

“Let’s get out of here and get to work on that proposal,” she smiled.

I was so fucking proud of her.


Aweek later…


My mind wandered over the past week as I stared at the massive movie screen. I hadn’t really been paying attention. I’d picked the Hunger Games, but I’d seen it so many times I could practically quote it by heart.

I still enjoyed it.

My life had changed so much in the last few days. Just a little over a week ago, my marriage to the Murphy family had been arranged with the hopes of securing an alliance. I’d never imagined that it could lead to a relationship with both twins, yet here I was cuddling in between both of them, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

To be honest, we made a pretty good team.

In the days that followed that intense meeting, I’d worked hard to come up with a reasonable proposal, working alongside Ivanand the twins to ensure it met the interests of the Kozlov bratva, as well as the Murphy family. Surprisingly, Eduardo agreed to the terms we had outlined without return negotiations and we all breathed a bit easier.

The redrawn territory lines had brought a welcomed sense of order, and so far, the cartel had adhered to the agreement. The city seemed to be embracing a tentative calm, which made me smile, knowing that my influence had ensured no more blood would be shed.

Honestly, I was pretty proud of myself, but something was missing.

And it involved the twins…

I wanted to make what we had official, but I wasn’t yet certain that they did, too. I just wanted to make sure that they didn’t think I was only girlfriend material, or worse, a girl they kept around for a while until they tired of me.

I wanted to be their wife.

“Are you enjoying the movie, babygirl?” Caden murmured, pulling me closer against him.

I curled into his chest with a happy sigh, enjoying the cocoon of his warmth. Connor slid a hand over my thigh, rubbing up and down the length of it as he cocked his head, seemingly trying to figure out what was on my mind, and I smiled back at him.

The movie’s soft glow illuminated the room as I snuggled closer to both of them.

“It’s perfect,” I murmured, my gaze flickering between both brothers. There must have been a flare of uncertainty in myexpression. I opened my mouth, wanting to talk about what was bothering me, but then Caden brought it up first.