Page 62 of The Con Artist

“This is nice.” She smiled as she closed her eyes.

I stretched out on the bed next to her and rested my back against the headboard, placing my hands behind my head.

“What are you doing?” she asked with one eye open.

“This is quite comfortable. I think I’ll rest my eyes for a bit. Is that a problem?”

“Do you snore?” she asked.

“No. Do you?”


“Good. Go to sleep.” My lips gave way to a small smile.

I kept my eyes closed for a few moments and then opened them as I stared at her beautiful slightly parted lips and the rise and fall of her chest as she slept. Maybe Caleb was right. She was hiding herself, not only from the world, but from me.

I was jolted out of a sound sleep. My eyes flew open to find Kate lying on her side, facing me and pinching my nose.

“What the hell, Kate?”

“You were snoring. You told me you didn’t snore.” She smirked.

“I don’t,” I spoke as I sat up.

“You do.” The smirk never left her face.

I sighed as I rested my head back on the headboard.

“How long have we been asleep?” I asked.

“A couple of hours.”

“I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. How about I order us some lunch?”

I picked up the phone on the small round table next to the bed and told Darcy, the flight attendant, to bring in lunch.

“Also bring in a bottle of wine and two glasses,” I spoke.

“Coming right up, Mr. Quinn.”

“We’re eating in here?” she asked as she arched her brow.

“Yes. It’s comfy. Plus, it’s more private, so we can talk.”

“Talk about what?” She sat up and crossed her legs.

“I know you didn’t accept my apology last night. You’re still mad.”

“You’re right.” She looked down as she played with her hands. “Why is it so important to you to know about my visit to my father?”

“Maybe because I’m just trying to get to know you better. All I want is to know you, Kate. The real you. Not Hannah who stole my watch, and not all the other people you were with other men.”

Our moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Come in.” I sighed.

“Your lunch, sir,” Darcy spoke as she wheeled in a silver cart with two plates, a bottle of wine, and two glasses.