Page 70 of The Next Wife

And the answer to Tish is no more.

Sandra stands in the doorway to John’s office, hands on hips. She’s shaking her head like a disappointed schoolteacher.

I can’t see Tish yet, but I can hear her. “I’m telling you, Sandra, someone broke into John’s office and is harassing me.”

“You need to calm down,” Sandra says in a teacher voice.

I touch Sandra’s shoulder and she jumps.

“I’ll handle this.” I step into John’s office.

Tish glares at me, her face locked in a furious frown. “Are you satisfied? This is all your fault.”

I take a moment to view the destruction. John’s desk is somehow flipped forward on its side, the glass lamp smashed on the floor, the computer monitor shattered. This was the crash we heard from my office. It’s unbelievable. Tish is having a temper tantrum like a three-year-old.

“My fault? You’re a wrecking ball. Look at what you’ve done to this office, to this company, to my family.” I am in control. I’ve dreamed of this moment. “If you choose to work here until I invalidate the scam will, your office is in the back. Sandra will escort you there and get you settled.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Tish screams.

I turn to Sandra. “Document this incident and the property damage. It should go in her personnel file. Make certain she understands this is not her office. It is for the new president, who we will hire after an executive search. Make sure Tish understands I’m CEO. I’ll decide what title, if any, she’ll have, and whether her employment will be continued at all. At this point, that’s highly unlikely.”

Tish shakes with anger.

“And please make sure she understands I’m the majority shareholder here. I will make all the decisions for EventCo. If she doesn’t comply, call the police. I’m sure Chief Briggs will be interested to learn of this destructive, out-of-control incident. He’ll be calling soon to confirm Ashlyn’s car was tampered with. There’s so much more we can share with him.”

I turn to walk out of John’s office, and I hear Tish gasp. I can’t help but smile.

“Get back in here, bitch. You can’t do this. I’m the one in the will,” Tish yells, but I’m pretty certain she’ll comply with my demands. It was a gamble but worth it.

“Mom, that was amazing.” Ashlyn walks beside me. Lance is close behind.

Lance pushes my door open and follows us into the relative calm of my office.

I slide into my desk chair. “That went well.”

“You killed it, Kate.” Lance leans against my office door, grinning.

“I loved it.” Ashlyn drops into the chair across from me. “I want to be just like that when I’m the boss. Rad.”

I look up, and Jennifer is at the door. “Did you guys get a chance to talk about the publicity shot? Mother-daughter success and succession story?”

“Yes, I’m in.” Ashlyn seems excited about it. “I know Dad would have loved it.”

“The photographer will be ready in an hour. We’re going off-site,” Jennifer says before she leaves my office, Lance following her.

“We’ll be ready.” I close the door behind them. It’s just Ashlyn and me. The way it should be. I’ve learned a lot about myself in the past three years. From being blinded by work and trust, to believing if you did the right thing, worked hard, played by the rules, and were honest, everything would work out. I know that’s not the case, that’s not how the world works. I’m not naive. Not anymore.

“Mom, she’s still here, though. What do we do?” Ashlyn asks.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got this. She won’t know what hit her. Stay here. I’ll be right back.” I walk out of my office and head to the back of the building to find Tish’s new, tiny office. It’s a closet, and I love it.

“What do you want?” Tish asks, her voice cold.

I’m not afraid. “Here are some facts for you to consider. I control seventy percent of the company, and there is no place for you at EventCo. Never will be. I suggest you take whatever is rightfully yours after three years of marriage and get out of town.”

“You don’t scare me.” Tish stands up. “Get out of my office.”

She just doesn’t get it. Stupid is as stupid does, that’s the saying, right? “By the way, you look horrible. Killers have trouble sleeping, I’ve read.” A low blow, but it’s true. Guilty conscience leads to haunting dreams.