"That's not soon enough," I interrupt. "It ends today."


This time, I lean over and take her chin in my fingers. She grows silent as she looks up at me. My gaze flickers from her worried eyes to her soft lips. I close the distance, pressing my mouth against hers.

Everything fades except for her. Her sweet mouth opens, and I taste her. I half expect Lyle to object, but he doesn't. He knows I'm doing this for Honor.

So why, then, does it feel so damn good to me? Honor's so delicate and small, but she's returning my kiss, and her hand settles on my thigh, squeezing lightly. When she moans, my cock twitches again, and I want to take her, right here, right now.

But I can't.

With a sigh, I pull back, her sweetness still on my lips. When she opens her eyes, she looks a little dazed but no longer as upset.


Covering her hand with my own, I say, "You're not alone anymore." I squeeze her hand and don't let go until Lyle opens her door and takes her other one. There's no way in hell we'd let her enter the hospital that holds so many bad memories alone.

No one should have to do something like that alone—especially not her. That thought makes me pause as I climb out of the car. This week is supposed to be a financial transaction—on both sides. Who knows if we'll ever see her again after it's over? I shouldn't make her any promises. As long as Dick-Ass isaround, my life's not my own. Nor are my brothers'. But at least for today, we can be here for her. It feels right to do something for the girl she once was, even though I'm not sure I recognize the gorgeous woman she's become.

Inside, Honor directs us to the billing office. It's a place I'm sure she knows all too well. She asks us twice what's going on, but she'll see soon enough. We move unchallenged through the hallways, two tall men in business suits and a trembling woman in pink.

The woman behind the counter is middle-aged. She peers over her glasses with an eyebrow raised as the three of us approach. "We'd like to settle this young woman's bills."

Honor immediately tugs on my sleeve. "But the money isn't in my account yet," she whispers.

"It's still your money, though," I say. "It's time to get the debt collectors off your back."

The woman behind the counter has been listening." If the account has gone to bill collection, then there's nothing we can do here."

"How much does she owe?" Lyle asks.

The woman looks at Honor. "Name?"

After a moment of hesitation, Honor gives the woman the information she needs.

The woman types on her computer for a moment and then gives a low whistle. That doesn't bode well. She must see highbills all the time. "Do you want me to write the amount down for you?" She glances at Lyle and me.

"No," Honor says, bracing herself. "They can hear it. They're my-my stepbrothers."

For some reason, I swallow hard. What we're doing right now isn't about sex. It isn't about the fucked-up arrangement we have this week. It's about a connection we used to share and might someday again.

The woman names the six-figure total.

"Jesus," Lyle says under his breath. That isn't a huge amount for us, but it is for Honor. And it's way more than anyone should have to pay on top of losing a loved one.

I reach for my wallet, a move the woman behind the counter sees. "I told you, most of it is already in the hands of debt collectors. You can't pay for it here."

"Let's see what your manager thinks." My tone is mild, but something in my eyes has her nodding her head. In a minute, she returns with a tall, thin man who introduces himself as Mr. Meyers.

I tell him who we are and explain the situation. At first, he takes the same stance as the woman. I interrupt him. "Your office sent her debts to the collectors, even though Honor was little more than a child who'd just lost her only parent. If you sent the debts there, then you can cancel them, too."

"That's not possible," Meyers begins. "You see we—"

"I see that you're housed in a crumbling, depressing building. How anyone could get well in a place like this is beyond me. But if you can help me, then maybe I can help you." I pull out my phone and log into my bank online. "My brothers and I can kick in a half-million toward getting this place in better shape—starting with the cancer unit." Beside me, I can feel Honor take in a sharp breath and then go still. "This donation will go through at the end of the week as long as Honor isn't bothered by any more calls from debt collectors."

Honor leans against my side, her wide eyes flicking between Lyle and me. "But—"

That reminds me of something. "The donation will be made in the name of Victoria Hathaway."