"I told her a week," Lyle says. "It's better than nothing."
"So we pay for a month and get a week?" Kylian glares at Lyle. "Were you absent the day they taught business in business school?"
Honor takes a sip of her wine as if for courage. "I can't be your—be with you for a month. Or a week. Not now that I know who you are."
"I was under the impression that you needed the money," I say. She actually hasn't told us much about this, but I know her, or I used to. No way would she enter this without a real need.
"I do, but—I just can't."
"The way your hips bucked when you orgasmed before suggests otherwise," Kylian says dryly. "You realize you'll get nothing if you walk."
She gulps. "I know."
Lyle sits on the other side of the bed and pats her knee in what he believes is a comfort. But I notice the widening of Honor's eyes with the two of us on either side of her. Still, she stays put, which I admire. "A week will be over before you know it," Lyle continues. "It might even make it easier that you know who we are."
I roll my eyes. My younger brother has a lot to learn about negotiations—and women. "We all came to this room for a reason," I begin. "For something we wanted or needed. We can still make it work." The vivid blue of Honor's eyes when she looks up at me almost makes me trip over my words. It still floors me that she's grown into such a gorgeous woman. She should have the world at her feet, but it's obvious that life hasn't been easy for her.
"We're not doing a week," Kylian states. He apparently sees no irony that a minute ago, he said Lyle doesn't have the right to speak for all three of us.
"Let's not take it off the table," I caution. "It's a negotiation. If we cut the length of time from a month to the week, then perhaps Honor can give us something we want, as well."
Kylian scoffs. "Like what? We've already bought the right to use her body however we see fit for a month." He downs the rest of his Scotch. "Except for all that crap in the contract about safewords and hard limits."
"So maybe we can—" I never get to finish my sentence.
Kylian slams his drink hard on the table next to him and leans forward, his eyes flashing. Shit.
"Now, this could be interesting." He drops his head to one side, considering the woman in front of him. If I know Kylian, his mind is analyzing everything he knows about her and working out which levers to pull. "Little Sparrow is racked with guilt over the inappropriateness of this situation. How wrong it is that boys she played with as a kid slid their cocks into every hole she has and how she enjoyed it so much that she came multiple times. She wants the money but can't bear the idea of swimming in guilt and shame for a week." His dark eyes flick to mine and then to Lyle as though he's making sure we're paying attention. "So what if we take away that guilt and shame for you, Honor? You consent to no limits and no safewords; that way, we can shoulder all the blame in your mind. All you need to do is surrender to our wills. Lay back and take it. Pretend we're strangers… like none of this ever happened."
It's a sick and twisted way of looking at it, but Kylian has always been fascinated by human psychology. Funny that he can read other people like open books but can't fathom a sentence of his own psyche.
Honor shrinks back against me. Over her head, I see Lyle frown.
"It's perfect," Kylian repeats, grinning with self-satisfaction.
"I-I can't—" Honor stammers, and I know that for her, there's only one man in the room. Lyle and I have faded into the background, and her gaze is locked on Kylian.
"You can," he growls. "You were brave enough to go through with this in the first place. This is the key, Little Sparrow. All you have to do is say yes, and you can walk through the door with everything you need. You won't have sacrificed your virginity for nothing." I start to protest, but neither of them pays me any attention.
"I won't," Honor insists. "You can't make me do anything against my will."
"Of course, we can't… but it won't be against your will, will it? Not if you agree. What is it, Honor? Are you scared because you know you'll enjoy it?" He leans forward and puts his hand on her thigh, sliding it under the soft fabric of her dress. Honor shakes her head but doesn't flinch away from his touch.
"You liked it when Lyle fucked your throat," Ky continues relentlessly. "You liked it when Nate claimed your pussy. I saw the way you came. You loved every minute of it." He moves over to the bed, pushing Lyle out of the way. His face is inches from Honor's as his hand disappears farther up her dress.
"You even liked it when I fucked your ass." Kylian's voice is quiet and deadly. I can barely hear him, but by the way that Honor is trembling next to me, I know she can hear him just fine. "What kind of a girl likes that? You were supposed to be fearful and disgusted—yet you came like a wildcat. You were wet as fuck." There's a sudden movement of his arm, and Honor's gasp fills the room. "You still are."
Her eyes glaze over as he strokes her under her dress. "I'm a reasonable man. So I'll make it easier for you. If you agree to a week, you can pretend we're strangers. You can pretend you hatewhat we do to you if that makes you feel better. Fight us. Bite us. I don't even care. You can roleplay that you've been kidnapped and forced if that will make all of this palatable." He looks down between Honor's legs as though something's happening down there that's revealing new truth. "Oh, you like that idea, don't you? You like it a lot."
Honor's legs tremble, and her back arches as Kylian works her hard. Her hand lands on my thigh, squeezing as she fights against the mounting pressure. Then her nails sink into me, and she cries out.
Kylian crushes his lips against her, swallowing her moans. He ravishes her mouth as he milks every last ounce of pleasure out of her. When he finally lets her go, she slumps against me, completely spent.
"Pretend all you like that you hate this, but I know better. You can't hide what gets you off, pretty girl. You want to play the innocent, but really, you want to be our willing victim, don't you?"
Honor blinks, still overwhelmed by the power of her release. Kylian sounds seriously fucked up right now, but he's not wrong about Honor's responses. The crueler and more controlling he is, the more she seems to love it. She's innocent on the outside but just as twisted as us on the inside.
"Do we have a deal?" he demands.