Page 26 of Ultimate Freedom

Remembering one of their last conversations, she grinned and let her memory return to New Year’s Eve at five minutes after midnight. She’d kept her phone close and wasn’t at all surprised when it rang just after the celebrations.

“Hi. I hoped you’d call.” Demi ran into the washroom for privacy and was breathless.

“You okay, you sound winded.”

“I ran to the bathroom so I could hear you. It’s too loud to carry on a conversation in the bar.”

“Did you doubt that I’d call?”

“Wasn’t sure… but glad you did.”

“I wanted to give you time to celebrate with the others at midnight so it’s a few minutes after the hour. Happy New Year, darling.”

“Happy New Year, Whit. I wish you were here with us tonight. Everyone’s in such a good mood. And they’re all asking about you. I don’t know what to tell them. I just say that you’re waiting to hear.”

“Pretty much the truth until earlier. Got the news late this afternoon that they aren’t letting me into the trials.”

Not understanding why he sounded so relieved about what she considered terrible news, she commiserated. “I’m so sorry, Whit. Why aren’t you upset? Going all that way and spending so much for nothing, I’d be furious and miserable at the same time.”

“I would be too if the news wasn’t this great. The reason they wouldn’t accept me is because my problem seems to behealing on its own. Doc says my eyesight is coming along extremely well, and the consensus is that I wouldn’t benefit enough from their help.”

“Oh, Whit. That is super great news. I’m thrilled for you. When can you come home?”

“That’s just it, they want to do some final tests before I leave, and because it’s the holiday, they can’t book me for a few days. I’ll have to get back to you about the date.” His voice lowered. “Just so you know, I’d get on the next flight if they weren’t so insistent. I miss the hell outta you, baby.” The throaty sound of suppressed passion came through clearly.

Demi melted instantly. Before she could stop herself, she groaned. “Oh, man. I wish you were here. I miss you so much. Everyone’s having such a good time with their partners tonight. The whole town seems to be in a great mood. Makes me feel even more alone.” Admitting that fact took a lot of courage, and she blamed it on the tequila shooters she’d had earlier with Norrie and Lexie.

“Jesus, I want to hold you so bad, it’s killing me. The last time we were together, I had so much to tell you and no time.”

“Oh God, me too.”

A loud sigh came over the line followed by a groan from his end. “Not like this, baby. But when I get home, it’ll be just us. I promise.”

Demi grinned at his determination, spoken in such a no-nonsense tone. She had no doubt he meant what he said. Not willing to mess up the mood by mentioning her promise to Charlie, she answered softly, “Agreed. Now tell me whatyou’redoing to celebrate.” She’d had to change the subject, or she wouldn’t have been able to sleep that night. Cravings of having her man beside her… inside her, would have kept her awake for sure.

“Just having a few drinks from the mini bar and watching old movies. How’s the kid doing? Is he showing any signs of breaking down over his mom’s passing… what’s her name, Beth?”

“Not yet. He’s very quiet. Spends a lot of his spare time reading. Like I told you before, he does chores for his room and board, and he’s always polite, but a sad little guy that needs more time, I think.”

“I agree. Can’t expect a kid to get over losing his mom, even a bad one like Beth, overnight. I’ll work with him when I get there. I’m sure it’s going to help having the two oldies around. It’ll keep his mind off his troubles.”

Thinking about Harold and Lefty brought Demi back to the present moment. She found Charlie watching her closely. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, she said, “What’s wrong? Do I have muck on my face?”

He laughed. “Muck? What’s that?”

“Dirt. Stuff. You know… muck.”

His face alight from her teasing tone, he shook his head. “No, it’s just your hair glows red in the light from the moon. It’s right behind you outside of the window. I wish I could take a picture.”

“Seriously? Go ahead.” She slowed to a crawl. “My new cellphone’s on the dash. Take your picture if you want to.” Demi liked that Charlie had an interest in something other than reading. Plus, she felt the tender tone in his voice right through to her heart. He’d spoken with affection, and it thrilled her that he viewed her in such a way.

Not wanting to end the conversation, she added, “While you’re at it, you can begin filming the fawn too. How about we make like a daily calendar of events about how the little one gets on. Doc says it’s a white-tailed deer and feels it’s a femalebecause of the flat head and no pedicles for antlers… or at least that’s what I think he called them.”

“I’ll read up about it on the internet. If you don’t mind that I use your phone.”

“Sure you can. And my laptop when I’m not on it. Do up a summary of what you find out, and then you can teach me too.”

Charlie chuckled, his voice appearing rusty like it wasn’t something he did often. “You sound like a school teacher.”