“Thank you,” she whispers.
Her smile is wobbly, eyes wet. It’s not a conversation anyone would expect to have between girls who watch their rockstar men performing to a crowd ofadoring women who scream their names and toss their panties on stage.
I settle back in the booth beside Wrenlee who sips on water because she says she’s feeling queasy, probably because she’s pregnant—I wonder if she knows yet. We’re tucked safely to the side, away from the adoring, slightly obsessed mass of women vying for the attention of our men on stage. It’s weird to see the man I’m now officially married to, in the eyes of the law, at least, up on stage desired by so many others.
His options, I realize, are endless. Why is he with me? Why does he feel he needs to play this game with me?
Is it really just to please his mother? To make her stop harassing him about marriage and, if I know mothers, probably babies. Or is there some other reason the man has for binding himself to me?
I mean, I know why I agreed to play this game with him. But the way I look at it, I’m the one reaping all the reward here.
That fact is more glaring than ever as he strums a solo on his guitar under the smoky haze of the stage lights. Kane isn’t just attractive, he’s hypnotic. The man emits a dangerous allure that is off the charts, what with the dark ink slashing across his skin, the hard cut of his jaw, and those paralyzing Siberian ice eyes. He’s the definition of desire, the picture oflust—and he’s mine.
“It’s normal,” Wrenlee says bizarrely, leaning close.
“What’s normal?”
“Wanting to jump his bones.” She sighs, eyes on Cash. “Every time I see him up there, I’m hot and bothered.”
Candace empties her drink, letting it hit the table with a clang. “Yeah, that never changes.”
I giggle, happier for the lighter conversation and thoughts. It got dark for a beat, and I’ve already had so much dark.
I spend the rest of the night sipping margaritas and laughing with the girls, having a totally great time. I don’t think about paid attackers turned stalkers, insane ex-fiance’s or shit ex best friends. I only let myself think about the here and now, the man on stage, and the beauty he’s gifted me for this next year.
I slip completely into the role I’m playing as Kane Volkov’s wife, even rising onto my tiptoes and kissing him with passion when he jumps down from the stage at the end of the performance to pull me into his arms.
I don’t think about what this public display might mean for us in the future. I don’t consider if we’re ready for the ramifications. I just do it, because right now, it’s what feels natural. Right.
This man—my fake husband—feels right.
And that’s the moment that I know I’m in deep, deep trouble.
I am Mrs. Nevaeh Isabella Volkov. I have the marriage license to prove it.
It sits tucked into the manila envelope on the back seat of Kane’s truck as he speeds home from the show. I’m no longer just wearing one custom made ring, but two. They shimmer in the low light of the dash as we drive the dark highway home.
Kane glances at me, his hand moving over the center console to rest against my thigh. “Have fun tonight?”
Like always when Kane touches me, my heart flips in my chest. But what really flips it is the sight of the black band that sits at the base of hisring finger. His arms and hands, fingertips included are completely tattooed apart from his naked ring finger that now wears a band for me. I love seeing it there as he rests it against the steering wheel, driving us home. The man has marked me in so many ways, changed so much of my life, it’s nice to see him wearing my mark. Displaying the evidence of me in his life.
“We’ll go on tour again in the new year,” he informs me. “I’ll want you to come with me.”
I jolt, surprised. “Are wives allowed to do that?”
“Don’t know what other bands do. Just know we bring our women.”
“Wrenlee and Candace go on tour with you?”
“Yep. Wrenlee the whole time, but Candace comes and goes. Her career is important to her, and Ian understands.”
“What about Wrenlee?”
“She has one more year of school. She studies mainly online now.”