“That’s correct.”

Keith pulls in breath, and I imagine him rubbing his brow. He is a father after all, just finding out his daughter is dating a man. He’s a man, and any man knows it’s never PG when a woman dates a man.

“Wrenlee is a serious girl.”

“I’m a serious man,” I tell him bluntly. “I’m very serious about your daughter.”

He makes a noise between a heavy sigh and a grunt. “S’pose this time was coming.”

“She’s a beautiful woman.” When he says nothing else, I flash Wrenlee a grin and say, “Well, here she is. Good talking to you, Keith.”

I pass Wrenlee the phone, aware that her eyes are shooting tiny daggers at me. She composes herself just enough as she lifts the phone and chirps, “Hey, Dad.” I listen but can’t hear his side of the conversation. Keith Wilson might have a deep voice, but it’s a soft voice. Wrenlee drops her head back before lifting it to glare harder at me. “It just happened. I was going to tell you,I promise.” She’s quiet again as her father talks. Then she pales. “Um—I don’t know. I don’t think—I think he’ll be busy with his own family.”

Cocking my head to the side, I ask loud enough for Keith to hear me. “Busy with my own family when?”

Keith says something to Wrenlee, and she glares harder at me. I’ll be in for it when she disconnects the call. Finally, she grits between her teeth. “Christmas.” I raise a brow and she clarifies, “Dad wants to know if he’ll be seeing you for Christmas.”

I grin wide. “I’ll be there, Kitten.”

My girl looks like she might just murder me. It’s no problem, I’ve got plans today that’ll make up for it.



“What are we doing here?” I ask as Cash holds the door open for me to enter, and I slip past him.

“That demon thing at Ian and Candace’s house likes you, and you seem to like it, so I figured I’d get you one of your own.”

My eyes slide to him, brows raised. “Bells?” His eyes drop to me when my pitch raises. “The cat? You’re talking about the cat?”


I laugh. I’ve been cold with him since this morning and the phone conversation with my dad. He had no right, but at the same time, I’m relieved it’s out there. “You’re getting me a cat?”

“You want one?”

“Who doesn’t want a cat?” He just looks at me. “Of course, I want a cat.” I start to head deeper into the shelter, but he snags me by the back of the jacket.

“Where’s my kiss, Kitten?”

I feel my head snap back. “Your kiss? After this morning?”

“Payment for the cat.”

“Um…” I blink. “After this morning, sir, it’s your account that’s in the arrears.”

He barks a laugh but shakes his head. “Pay up.” I pull my bottom lip into my mouth, debating when he threats, “No payment, no kitty.”

I huff, lean forward to offer him a peck. I should have known better than to think it would end just like that. It doesn’t. Not even close. In fact, the kiss he gives me most definitely isn’t for public consumption.

We fog the windows. Okay, not really, but almost.

With my hands on his forearms, I shove him back. “Doofus.”

He chuckles again just in time for a woman to appear from the back. “Sorry to make you wait.”

“It’s no trouble.”