She’s teasing me, but I couldn’t be more serious when I tell her, “I’m the string wrapped around your finger. There’s not a thing I wouldn’t do for you.”

Her breath catches as the teasing light fades to something warm. Something I really like. “For however long you want me, Cash, I’ll stand beside you.”

“Always,” I vow, feeling tender and unlike myself. “I’ll always want you.”



The first week of November passes without drama. After the shitshow of October and Wrenlee’s chance poisoning by the disgruntled former—as in charged and arrested and currently serving time, employee—no drama is good.

She’s still tired from time to time, and sometimes she forgets things or stands confused as she processes things. I’ve asked the doc about all that, and he’s assured me more than once it’s all normal, but to keep an eye on it.

I don’t take my eyes off the woman.

If she’s not in class, I’m with her. She comes to every gig we have, usually sitting at a table withCandace. In the beginning, she’d been swept up by conversation with her new friend. Now, she watches me on stage. I’ve written a whole collection of new material that’s gaining traction fast. Most of it revolves around her.

The little woman currently dancing to a tune in her mind as she pours coffee into mugs, standing in one of my t-shirts is the focus of my inspiration. The single focus. My muse.

I could write every day about her for the rest of my life, and I’d never run out of material. How someone can fascinate me the way Wrenlee does is beyond me. I’m obsessed. Possessed.

Fucking over the deep end for this girl.

I wouldn’t change a thing.

A grin tugs at my lips as I watch her pour a shitload of cream into her coffee, give it a stir, and lift it to her lips for a long and slow sip. Her hips stop swaying to the beat in her mind as she indulges in her single addiction.

I have every intention of becoming a second. I want her addicted to me. Mad for me. Overcome with need for me.

She lets a sigh loose, and her hips start to sway again to music only she can hear. She’s beautiful. I’ve been all over the world with my parents, but I’ve yet to see a sight more exquisite than her.

I’m hooked. It won’t be long now before she’ll sinkme into the deep of her where I’ll never want to come up for air again.

She spins and jolts as she sees me. Her lips curl into a sweetly thoughtless smile. “Oh, you’re up.”

Planting my elbows on the island counter, I steeple my fingers and touch my chin to the tips. “You keep doing that.”

Her brows draw in and one hip pops as she brings the mug up for another taste.Hell, but she’s sexy as sin in my shirt.

“Doing what?”

“Sneaking out of my bed before I’m done with you.”

I love how her cheeks flare. “Oh—that.” She gives me a nervous laugh and points a slender finger to her cup. “I need sustenance, Cash.”

“That’s not sustenance, Kitten.”

“It is for me. No caffeine, no Wrenlee.”

I bust a laugh, and she offers me another sweet smile. “Want a cup?”

I slide away from the island. “I can get my own cup.”

She shrugs and walks from the kitchen into the dining room where the wall of windows showcases the first snowfall of the year. She snuggles onto a chair, tucking one foot under her bum while resting the other on the edge so her knee is high, thigh touching her chest. Her eyes are fixedon the little flakes of white, and although it’s unlikely to stick, it is pretty.

Softly, thoughtfully, she says, “New York is really beautiful when you look at it from your view.”

I know she hasn’t always had a good view of the city, living in the walk-up surrounded by other equally as run down walk-ups, their brick chipping and graffitied, the streets lined with trash and broken people so angry at the hand they’ve been dealt that they aim to break everyone else around them. For her, this must feel like a glimpse into paradise.