I’m almost at the mouth of the hall when his voice stops me.

It’s like a match tossed on gasoline. “Where’s my goodnight kiss, Kitten?”

Turning to him, I say, “I thought you were done with those.”

He prowls toward me. My heart flutters. “Why would you think a thing like that?”

I swallow hard. “You haven’t asked.”

His eyes ignite with something deliciously sinful at the sound of my breath-snared words. “You were sick. You’re not anymore.”

“Oh.” It’s all I have time to get out before his hand is clasping the back of my neck and he’s pulling me nearer. His mouth covers mine. He doesn’t kiss me gently. It’s not a stealth invasion. No, this invasion is openly made and just a little brutal. He kisses me so deep; I swear he thrums a heartstring, forcing me to open to him like a puppet at his whim, dancing solely to his tune.

He kisses me until I’m dizzy. Until I don’t think I’ll survive another moment without air. When he finally pulls away, I’m a mess and he—he’s perfectly composed.

“Sweet dreams, Kitten,” is all he says before he turns away and strolls to his room, closing the door behind him.

My entire body is alight with heat, and it onlytakes me a few seconds to come to the conclusion that I need a cold shower STAT.

In the shower, the cold water does nothing but make my teeth chatter. My body still wants Cash. My heart still feels heavy and swollen in my chest. That place between my legs is still warm and throbbing.

I hate what he does to me just as I love it.

Tipping my head back, face in the spray of water, I let out a disgruntled sound that echoes in the space. Wiping my face of water, I glare up at the shower head. I’ve read so many shower masturbation scenes in my books, but I’ve never understood how one uses the shower head. And right now, I’m so desperate for release, I’ll try just about anything—but not that.

Leaning against the wall, I push my hand between my legs and squeeze my eyes shut. I don’t masturbate on a regular. I have nothing against it and have tried plenty of times, but I can’t seem to get myselfthere. Sure, it feels nice and all, but it’s not the explosion I read about. It definitely can’t be compared to the way Cash makes me feel when he touches me—when he makes me come. After a few minutes, I’m hot and frustrated and beyond annoyed as I towel off.

Shoving into a beer t-shirt, I brush my teeth and stomp to bed. Under the covers, my body hums. I can’t stop thinking about Cash, and I wish I would have just gone to the hot tub with him. But I’d been so bent about that note.

Who does that anyway? Who leaves notes like that for their ex to make the current flame jealous? Who goes out of their way to create drama like that?

Crazy people, that’s who!Cash’s ex is crazy!

I roll onto my side, hugging my pillow as I slam my eyes closed and try to sleep. I count sheep and somehow circle back to his kiss and the way his rough voice sounds in my ear. I flip onto my back, glaring up at the dark ceiling before giving up and throwing back my covers.

I decide a cup of hot milk will do the trick, and head for the door of my bedroom only to find myself standing not in the kitchen—but outside Cash’s door.

Apparently, I’m a glutton for punishment.

There’s no light coming from under the door, so he very well could already be asleep. Besides, I don’t know what I’m doing here. What am I going to say if he answers when I knock?

Hey, I can’t sleep because I’m all worked up and I can’t make myself cum like you do—please help?

Yeah, no.

I turn away from his door only to spin back around. I don’t think as I knock. It’s in the heartbeat after that I feel the first pinch of regret.

I shouldn’t have done that.

“Come in.” His voice has my heart knocking in my chest, a drumbeat echoing loudly between my ears.

I’m pretty sure my hand trembles as I open hisdoor, standing stiffly at the threshold. Cash isn’t asleep after all. His room also isn’t dark, because he’s sitting at his desk under a low golden lamplight, the rest of his room flooded in shadow.

He stands and I can’t help it when my eyes drop to his bare torso. The man is ripped. Not only are his muscles cut to perfection, but he’s big. Huge. I never imagined a man so big could make me feel so safe, but Cash does.

Even so, as he moves slowly across the room, a quiet thrill tickles through me.

He stops close but doesn’t touch me. He’s looking at me with expectation and I feel hesitant and uncertain. My hands knot at my belly, and his eyes drop before rising again, slowly over my body. With every second that drags by, my lungs tighten. Any moment and they’ll seize.