“Why don’t you try talking to him? Tell him how you feel?”

Her eyes flash with bitterness. “He won’t listen. Not yet anyway.”

“Oh.” I wince. “I’m sorry.”

“He’s with someone else.” She rolls her eyes. “But she’s not the one for him.”

I give her a pitying nod. “That sucks.”

“It’s only a matter of time before she’s gone, and he comes back to me.”

“It was nice to meet you, Alice,” I say distractedly as my phone chimes in my bag. “But my guy’s likely to come in here searching for me if I don’t get out there.” I give her a wave. “Bye.”

I make a turkey sandwich for me, another for Cash, before dropping a handful of chips on the side of our plates. “Dinner is served,” I announce cheekily as Islide his plate across the island, coming around to sit next to him.

“Why do you study in the library?”

“Less distraction.” I take a bite and moan. I’d been hungry.Starving.

Cash’s voice rumbles low. “I distract you.”

“Uh, yeah.”

“How so?”

I shrug. “You just do. I get more done at the library. Besides, I make friends there.”

“You do?” His brow raises.

“Yeah, tonight some girl saw the book I’m reading, and she’s reading it too so she joined me. I think she wanted to gush over the MMC, but I just started it, so I haven’t even met him yet.”

“Some girl just sat beside you because you’re reading the same book?”


“What’s an MMC?”

“Male main character.” I give him the ‘how don’t you know that’ scowl. “Don’t you read?”


“You should. It’s fun.”

“Girls gush over fake dudes in books?”

“Totally.” I loose a happy little moan. “You have no idea. Guys in books are delicious.”

His eyes drop to my mouth when I say that, andmy belly squeezes. He didn’t take that the way I meant it. I can see it from his expression.

“You know much about that?” he asks bizarrely.

“About what?”

“About the way men taste?”

I blink, stunned. “Well,” I stammer. “I know how you taste.”

A strangled cough rises from the deep of his throat, and he knocks a fist into his chest. “No, Kitten, you don’t.”