I wish I had more to gush with her about.

“Okay, I won’t drop any spoilers. But just so you know, it’s hot. Really hot.”

“I’ve seen a few booktok’s about it,” I admit, pressing thumb and finger together. “I’m just a tad excited.”

She rolls her eyes back in her head. “I’m a sucker for a dangerous man.”

My belly flutters at the thought of the dangerous man I have at home. Then I remind myself that he’s not mine. What we have isn’t real, even though he’sdamn good at pretending like it is. I understand why he wants us to feel real and look real all the time, so that we don’t slip up when we’re in the presence of others. But lines are starting to blur, and my inexperienced heart doesn’t know where his boundaries rest. I feel like I’m walking in a field set with trip lines. One wrong move and the whole thing implodes.

Hell, I don’t even know my own boundaries, as evidenced by the fact I let him push his fingers inside my body on the first night we spent together.

Thank goodness, I’ve kept my head and not let anything like that happen since. Another repeat ofthatwould be catastrophic.

Even the thought has my skin flushing hotly.

“Oh my,” the girl leans into the table. Interest sparking in her eyes. “Do you have a dangerous man of your own?”

I start to shake my head but stop. She’s a stranger. She doesn’t know I’m with Cash, and yet I feel myself saying, “I think I might.”

Something not quite nice flashes in her eyes before it’s gone. I’m not entirely sure it was ever there as she giggles. “Bitch. I’m jealous.”

I laugh. “I think they’re easier to handle between the pages of a book.” I tap my fingers on the face of my book. “In real life, it’s a whole other ball game.”

“True. Still, I like a little danger. Live for the thrill, ya know?”

I don’t know, but I agree, “Sure.”

“I’m Alice. What’s your name?”


“So pretty and unusual.” She studies me. “I never would have guessed.”

“Guessed what?”

She waves a hand. “Nothing. It’s late and I’m starving. Wanna join me for a bite?”

Just then, my phone pings. I open my text stream with Cash, and dammit, there’s another flutter.


I’m outside.


The Library. Let’s go, Kitten.

I ignore him, sliding phone and books into my bag as I explain, “I can’t. My—um—boyfriend is actually waiting outside to drive me home.”

“Really?” Her tone is pure disbelief.

I frown. “Yeah. He’s kind of—well, he’s protective.”

“Huh.” Her scowl slides so easily into a bright smile, I almost miss it. If it weren’t for that squeeze in my belly, that thing that warns of danger and unease, I would dismiss it. But I don’t. Not entirely. “Maybe next time, then?”

“Sure,” I agree easily, doubtinga next time will ever occur anyway. It’s as I’m lifting my bag onto my shoulder, about to walk away that she stops me.

“Sorry if I seem weird about the boyfriend thing. I just broke up with my long-time guy. He meant the world to me, but—” She shrugs, and I feel bad for her when I see the raw hurt. The shimmer in her eyes. “Oh well, I guess.”