
“Cash, please.”

He looks like he’s going to say no, and I seriously think I’m going to die when he finally nods.

“Fine.” He doesn’t look happy ashe gestures to a lounge area that is conveniently situated outside the store. There are more than a few guys waiting, most anxiously looking anywhere but at the lacy underthings in the window. I’d bet the very last dollar in my bank account that each and every one of them made the choice to wait outside, not willing to peruse the shop with their girls. Cash, I decide, is a freak. “I’ll be right there.”

I nod, relieved beyond measure. The idea of shopping for underwear with Cash is enough to make me die right here, right now. “Thank you.”

Endeavoring to be quick, I scurry away from the man and into the store. I don’t look back. If I do, he’ll see how red my face is. I’m so hot, I’m seconds away from eruption. A pretty section of lacy pink bras catches my attention, and I take a moment to cool down as I finger the pretty fabric. This is not a cheap store. In fact, this is one of the last stores I’d choose to buy underthings from, but since Cash bought everything else today, I feel okay splurging on a bra and a few sets of underwear.

As the heat in my cheeks fades and my heart-rate begins to slow, the unsteady drum of it lessoning between my ears, I find myself in an entirely new dilemma.

It’s after lunch on a Saturday, and the mall—this store included—is packed with people. And I don’t know my bra size. It’s been forever since I shopped fornew bras and panties. The last time had been while I’d lived at home, and I’d picked from the limited selection at the local department store.

This store doesn’t even compare.

Nervously, I glance around for someone to help me, locking eyes with a tall man who clearly works here as he’s wearing the same black shirt with the glittery pink writing that every other staff member wears. He smiles broadly and heads my way with a cheery, “How can I help you today?”

Returning his cheer with a shaky smile of my own, I square my shoulders. “I’m not sure what size I am. Double D, I think. Beyond that…” I lift my hands in a ‘no clue’ gesture.

“Ah.” He claps nimble hands together. I notice, unlike Cash’s hands, this man’s hands are soft and nearly delicate. “I can help you with that. Or we can wait for a female attendant, if that makes you more comfortable. Unfortunately, all our females are currently occupied with other customers, but it won’t take long.”

“I’m not uncomfortable,” I assure him, and then I smile, because he is kind and I feel at ease. “You’ll do.”

“Great.” He plucks a measuring tape from his pocket. “Stand straight for me, honey.” The way he says ‘honey’ makes me smile. He says it like old Mrs. Bets from across the street says it every time she catches even a glimpse of me. It’s friendly andcomforting and filled with warmth. “Like that. Breathe even, now.”

As he stands back to note the size on his tape, I feel a big presence at my back. Clearly my helper feels it too, because his eyes shift up, up, and up again. Cash.

My body stiffens. The color drains from my face.

“Can we help you?” The happy man asks.

“Nope.” The way Cash says that one word sounds like a threat.

“O—kay.” Happy man pulls away from me and declares, “Thirty-two double D.”

Huh, I’ve lost weight since I’ve been in New York. I’d been a thirty-six before coming here. It’s no surprise, really. This city holds the power to eat the soul right out of a girl, stripping the flesh from the bones along the way.

“Thank you.”

“Sure thing. Will there be anything else I can assist you with?”

“We’re good.” Cash rejects the help, and I feel my cheeks heat as happy guy looks between the two of us with a grin that turns oh-so-knowing, even though he’s oh-so-wrong.

“Of course. You two have fun, now.” And with that, happy guy is gone.

I don’t even turn to Cash. He doesn’t deserve acknowledging at this point.

I start for the wall of practical, although still cute,t-shirt bras. I select two before Cash murmurs, “He was flirting with you.”

This makes me roll my eyes. “He wasn’t.”

“Any man’s got his hands on you with his face in your tits, he’s got ideas,” Cash informs bluntly. “He’s got ideas, he’s flirting.”

“He wasn’t, I assure you. But even if he was, so what?”

Cash stops. I feel the freeze and do my best to ignore it. “So what?”