“You want it, do it.”

She gives me a funny look. “It’s more complicated than that.”

“How so?”

“It takes money, for one thing. A lot of money. And I need experience, which I’ll get.” She nibbles another fry. “I’m just not sure after getting the experience I’ll want that responsibility, you know?”

I get it, so I nod. “Sure.”

“What about you? What’s the deal with the band?”

My eyes lift to her, studying her as she eats. “Devils Heartbreak is my life. I’m taking it all the way.”

“So, you’ll be famous. Like, really famous? World tours, that kind of thing?”

“That’s the plan.”

She swipes a fry through a pile of ranch dressing,popping it into her mouth. The combination is enough to make a man cringe, and yet I think she’s cute doing it. She chews and swallows, her face twisting as she says gently, “I don’t think I could handle it.”

My heart skips. “What?”

“A life of fame.”

She better get used to it. If I get my way; this girl is going to be standing beside me through it all.

Ialwaysget my way. Not because I’m a jackass who cries until he gets it, but because I fucking work for it. I don’t stop working for what I want until I have it. Then I work to keep it.

“It’s not so bad.”

She makes a noise between a laugh and a snort. “How do you know? You’re not famous.”

My parents are.Instead, I say, “What turns you off about it?”

She lifts a shoulder. “I don’t know. Probably the way everyone thinks they have a right to your life just because you’re famous. The way people speculate about everything, creating drama that you ultimately have to deal with. Just doesn’t appeal to me, is all.”

“What if someone you loved was famous?”

She frowns, tugging back on her straw. “What do you mean? Like family?”

“Like your lover.”

“Oh.” She does laugh this time, her cheeks stained a pretty, apple red. “I’m not worried about that.”

“Why not?”

Her laughter dies at my seriousness. “Um.” She pulls her long ponytail over her shoulder, and I get the sense she’d be hiding behind that curtain if she didn’t have it pulled up. “I don’t really date. When I do start dating, I doubt I’ll choose someone famous. So that won’t be a problem.”

“You don’t date?”

She shakes her head. “No.”


Brows pinching, she keeps shaking her head. “Not really.”

I lean back in my chair, studying her. “Why not?”

A pretty pink tongue pokes out to wet full lips. “I was awkward in high school, more of a bookworm than anything. And I spent a lot of time with my dad. There were some guys but—” She gives a helpless little shrug. “It was never serious.” Her eyes land on me and she leans forward, asking, “What about you?”