Stepping back from him, I start to remove his sweater, entirely aware that his eyes are on me, waiting. When I drop it onto the chair next to me and look at him again, he’s biting his fist in a way that has my stomach twisting hard. A wrench of hot need.

I’m struck. Breathless.

“Beautiful,” he rasps.

The moment is ruined when a splash of water hits us both and I shriek, eyes darting to the pool where everyone laughs, but Kane stands. “You two are so wrapped up in each other, I’m almost jealous. Keep it up and I’ll be looking to adopt my own stray kitten.” He smirks wickedly. “Much as I like pussy, not sure I’m ready for just one.”

“Wow,” Candace says with an eye roll. “With words like those, it’s a wonder you get any pussy at all.”

I can’t believe she speaks like she speaks sometimes. She’s been around the guy’s way too long. Idon’t even think I could say ‘pussy’ if there was money on the table.

I’m so focused on the group; I’m not paying attention to Cash. So I’m unprepared when he lifts me bridal style in his arms and runs for the water, cannonballing into the deep. My scream doesn’t have time to pierce air before I’m entirely submerged.

I break away from Cash as I swim to the surface, gasping in air when I do. He follows instantly behind me, reaching out and pulling me into his body as soon as he can touch the bottom, which is well before me. The man is a lot taller.

“Easy,” he orders when I try to push off him again. “I’ve got you.”

“You dunked me!” I accuse, warning, “I’m a vengeful creature.”

“I accept all forms of punishment but one.”

Twisting in his arms, I narrow my eyes at him. “What’s the one?”

“Distance.” He holds me tighter, pinning my body to his.

My heart skips and my breath snags. Tav makes a sound of protest. “It was bad when it was just Ian and Candy. Now that it’s you—” he groans. “Fuck, I need a woman. This shit ain’t fair.”

Candace laughs. “I thought Cash would be the last to fall, if it ever happened at all.”

“Really?” I ask, looking her way. “Why?”

“Bro doesn’t lock em down,” Kane says seriously, his accent coming through a little thicker than usual. “Scared they all want him for his money.”

I glance around, bewildered. “I’m pretty sure every penny has gone into this place.”

Candace snorts. “Do you even know who your boyfriend is?”

I stiffen, feeling Cash do the same behind me. When I shoot him a look over my shoulder, I see him shaking his head at his friends. Instantly, I feel like a fool.

“Um.” I swallow, trying and failing to disconnect from the band of his arms. “Apparently not.”

“Well.” Kane swims to the edge of the pool, hoisting himself up. “I think we need more drinks.”

Ian gives Candace a gentle push, and she swims to the stairs, following Kane inside. I feel like rocks have been dumped inside my belly as I settle against the prison of Cash’s chest. Tav and Ian start talking about a new song they’re writing as Cash swims us to a private corner of the pool.

When his arms loosen around me, I start to push away from him only to feel his hands on my hips, twisting me so my back is to the wall of the pool. The water is still too deep for me to touch the bottom without my head going under, the water lapping at Cash’s chin as he hooks me under my thighs, forcinghis body between my legs to pin me there against the wall.

I’m angry and feel foolish, but even still, heat swarms my core and wet pools between my legs. My breasts brush against his chest and the friction in the water is enough to have my nipples getting hard. Painfully hard.

Why do I react like this to him?

“Don’t do that,” Cash warns, voice low and rough.

“Do what?” I pout.

He grinds his hips into me when I dare to look away from him, pulling an unwilling gasp from the deep of my throat as my eyes snap back to land on him. “Don’t be pissy.”

I glare at him. “I don’t like being made a fool.”