When I tip my face to look at him, he looksconfused and interested. Like he doesn’t know where this is going.

I tell him, “I didn’t know she was married already. Dad was embarrassed and I never tried to set him up again.” Cash chuckles. It’s the first time I’ve heard it, and I like it. I give him a soft smile before I burrow deeper into my makeshift bed, smellinghimall around me as I snuggle into his clothes. “Thank you for this, Cash.”

“For what?”

“For making me feel like I finally have that.”

“Have what?” I can hear his confusion now.

“Like I have a brother—a friend. Someone to share moments like this with.” I smile across the space at him. “It’s nice.”

He props up on an elbow, so much bigger than me that it feels like that small motion has him towering over me. “I’m not your brother, Wrenlee.” I haven’t been with Cash long, but the manneversays my name. “I’m your fake boyfriend.”

“Yeah, but you’renotmy boyfriend,” I rush to explain my thought process, because I get the impression, I’ve offended him. “It’s not real, so we’re really just going to be good friends. Platonic. Brotherly.”

His eyes narrow darkly on me.

I shiver in his clothes.

“There’s nothing brotherly about the way I’mgoing to touch you. Nothing brotherly about the way I’m going to kiss you.”

My breath snags. I croak, “What?”

“We might be fake, but we’re going to look real.”

“I get that but—”

He cuts me off. “Don’t think you do, so I’m gonna explain it to you. While we’re playing this game, you’re going to be my girlfriend in every way that matters. Your mouth is mine to claim whenever the fuck I want, in front of whoever I want. Your body is mine to touch. You don’t look at me with the fond affection of a sister. You look at me like…” He shakes his head and curses. “I won’t look at you like you’re anything less than the woman I want to devour.”


“Matter of fact, think we should start now before we’re forced to make that play in front of other people.” He swings his blanket back and I squeak in surprise as he joins me on my lounger, pinning me in place as he sets his weight on my blanket. “I’m going to kiss you now, Kitten.”

“Wait!” I press my palms into his chest, my heart pounding like a drum. It’s violent, like a clap of thunder. I feel dizzy. I gasp, “Just wait.”

I think I might have pissed him off by comparing him to a brother.How could I have known?

I try to reason, “I’m not your type, Cash.”

His brows rise incredulously as his face hoversabove mine. The early October air is chilly, but all I feel is the heat that seeps through the blankets from his body. Still, I shiver. “You really think we’d pull this off without kissing? Without flirting and touching and doing all the shit couples do?”

“I just—” I stutter. “I thought we’d wait a little.”

“Until what?”

“Until it was necessary.” I wince under his glare.

He wets his lips, and my eyes drop to his mouth before shooting back to his. There’s heat in the dark now. A real heat—the kind that burns if you’re not careful.

I don’t know how to be careful.

“You want me to kiss you our first time when we’ve got eyes on us? Watching us? Studying how we come together?”

Well, when he says it like that…

“No,” the word is a whisper.

“Right.” His eyes search mine before I feel him begin to push away.