Her lips pucker, and it takes everything in me not to lean down and nip at them. It’d teach her. Or it’d ignite her. I’m not sure which I prefer.

“I don’t have one more in me.” She pouts, twisting those lips to the side. Then, her eyes slide to the side too. Under her breath, she murmurs, “This makes me feel bad.”

I step in closer, head cocked. “What’s that?”

Sighing, she tips her head back to connect those cat-green eyes with mine. “This doesn’t feel good, Cash.”

“What doesn’t feel good?” I’m confused. What chick doesn’t love a shopping spree? What chick has to be dragged by threat of force?

Apparently, my chick.

“This.” She throws her hands wide, exasperated.

I blink. I’m starting to get pissed off, and that’snever a good thing. Never. “Spell it out for me, Kitten, because I’m confused.”

Sucking her bottom lip into her mouth, she taps a foot, thinking. Releasing her lip with a scrape of teeth that is so violent and wrought with emotion, the pink turns ruby red.

The kind of red I want her mouth when I fuck it.

Shit.Head in the game, man.

She lets me have it. “You pay for everything. Rent. Food. Now my clothes, too? For what?” She throws her hands to the sides again before gesturing to her body. “A few kisses and a fake relationship?” I’m not sure what she’s getting at, but she doesn’t give me a chance to ask before she gives it to me. “It feels—Ifeel cheap.”

Hold up. What the actual fuck?

“Cheap?”I can’t believe this.

“Yes. Cheap.” Tiny hands with her slim, beautiful fingers, I’ve fantasized about having wrapped around my cock more than once fly toward the bags I carry. “All that isn’t worth a few kisses, Cash!”

People are starting to stare as they pass us by. I don’t give two shits.

I crowd her. The little vixen doesn’t even flinch. In fact, she glares up at me with that little chin tipped up, eyes on fire. “There’s nothing cheap about you, Wrenlee. Nothing.” I tip my face until I can taste the sweet vanilla cream of her breath on my tongue. “In fact, asingle kiss from you is worth every penny I have to my name.”

Her eyes widen, chest rising and falling hard. Then, as though she just can’t cope with my words, she throws her face to the side, tugging that lip back between those little white teeth. She bites hard, denting the flesh I want to soothe with my tongue.

What is wrong with me? What has this tiny girl done to me? Turned me into?

She’s turned me inside out, that’s what. I don’t even know which way is up anymore. All because of a tiny woman who is convinced none of this is real. It’s the most real thing I’ve ever had. She’s more real than the mic I clutch between my hands. More real than the ink I pen to paper. More real than the words I pour from the depths of my heart, cutting from the voids of my soul for the world to shred.

Hell, I’m pretty sure we’re arguing right now. Something that, if any other woman before her would have tried, I’d have walked away. Not because I cared not to hurt her, but because I didn’t give enough of a shit to give her a piece of my mind. To fight not with her, butforher.

“People are starting to stare,” she breathes quietly.

“Fuck ‘em.”

Her face pales a shade or two. “I think that lady just took a photo of us.”

“Don’t care.”

“Why would someone take a photo of us?”

Because, unlike you, Kitten, they know who I am.They know this scene doesn’t happen. Unbeknownst to her, tomorrow, that photo will be in some gossip rag and Mom will be harassing my phone, talking shit about grand-babies.

When she looks like she might flee me, I ground her with a hand on her arm. “Calm down.”

She blinks, and then she deflates. Her head tips to my chest and she just lets it sit there. Finally, after a long pause where I know for certain another few shots have been taken, she murmurs, “The swimsuits were a lot, Cash. Today has been a lot. You’re spending money you don’t have to spend.”

The money doesn’t mean a thing. “Wrenlee—”