
Candace calls out with a flippant wave. “You kids have fun now.”

“Later,” I call over my shoulder, and then it’s quiet. Nothing but the sound of her breathing and mine in the space between us. I like it this way.

No, I don’t like it. I love it.

Her hands move to cover mine when I move them from her hips to the dip of her waist. “You have a beautiful body.”

Her cheeks flush apple-red. “Thank you.”

“I like this swimsuit.”

“I know.” She wets her lips. “That’s why I picked it.”

She wants to please me.Why does that feel so good?

“You have a good time tonight?”

She nods sweetly. “It was fun.”

“Yeah?” I want more.How did she feel?

Her hands fall from mine, finally allowing me to touch her without her innocent resistance. She pushes a wet strand of hair behind her ear. “I don’t make friends easily. I had a couple girls back home who I was close to, but we all went separate ways. We still text from time to time, but it’s not often.” She lifts ashoulder. “I haven’t really made any friends since I came here. My closest would have been Marley, but neither of us had time to make much of that relationship between work and class and studying.” She inhales, full tits rising. “So tonight was nice. I really like Candace.”

“She likes you too.”

“She does?”

So sweet. “Yeah. She doesn’t always play nice with other girls.”

I remember Candace with Alyssa. She’d hated her right off the start and had avoided her whenever we all spent time together. There were times Candace would even refuse to join us in group gatherings. Ian once told me it was to avoid Alyssa. Ian hadn’t liked her, either. I should have taken the hint and listened to them.

“Well, she plays just fine with me.”

I chuckle deep and low, surprised by how easily this girl makes me laugh. Makes me smile.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” She tips her head, gazing down at me in a way that makes me want to pull her into the water and devour her mouth. Invade her body.Possess her.

I resist. Just barely.

“For being everything, I need.”

Her brows furrow like she wants to ask questionsbut doesn’t know how. Finally, voice low and hesitant, she asks, “What do you need?”


Her breath hitches, and I can’t help it, my fingers pulse against her skin. Her eyes drop to where my hands hold her waist, and her little tongue pokes out to wet her lips. There’s a flush in her skin I know from experience is arousal, and I feel my dick twitch in my shorts.

I want this girl. I want her like I’ve wanted nothing else in my life, with an intensity I can’t seem to cool.

I wonder if, after I have her, the need I feel now will linger.

She starts to shift away from me, pulling her legs from the pool. “I’m um—I should really go to bed.”

She’s not ready for a repeat of what happened the last time we were alone up here.