I pull in breath. “I’ve always had a hard time sleeping. It makes sleep easier, I guess.”

His eyes move down my body, lingering on the shirt. “Nice shirt.”

“Oh, uh, thanks.” I chuckle nervously, plucking at the fabric. “Dad likes hisCoors.”

“You had trouble sleeping last night?”

“Not really.”

He reaches out to finger the hem of my shirt, the rough pad of one finger touches my thigh and a violent shiver erupts inside me. My breath catches when he murmurs, “This isn’t what I put you to bed in last night. Tells me you woke sometime. That’s telling, considering how tired you were.”

I’m stuck on the first bit. “You—” I sputter. “Youput me to bed?”

“Fell asleep soon as we got in my car, Kitten.”

“Yeah but—” I shake my head in alarm and embarrassment. “You could have woken me.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Why wouldn’t you?”

He tips his head to the side. “Just as easily carry you to bed as wake you.”

I literally feel my eyes get big. I probably look like abug with bedhead. “You carried me—all the way from the parking garage—to bed?”

Someone kill me now.


I drop my head into my hands and groan. “I’m so embarrassed.”


I crack my fingers to glare at him. “Next time, just wake me.”

“Won’t be a next time.” The way he says that like it’s a sure thing has me dropping my hands.

“Why not?”

“Because I told Addy you’re done at the club. Last night was your last night.”

My mouth drops and my heart—it’s losing her ever-loving crap in my chest. “You did what?”

“I’m not having my woman so tired that she can’t function. You don’t need that job. Told you I’d take care of you, and I will.”

Something hot and bubbly forms in my chest. I think it’s anger. “I’mnotyour woman.”

That darkness in his eyes, it darkens.

I shiver, taking a very quick step back.

He growls, “You are.”

I shake my head and take another step back. “This isn’t real, Cash. I’m your fake girlfriend. It’s not your responsibility to take care of me. I need a job.”

He leans in, so close I can feel the heat radiatingfrom his body. “While we do this, you aremine. Like it or not, Kitten, I take care of what’s mine.”

Glaring at him, the words just fall from my lips. “And what happens to me when this is over? When I don’t have a job and can’t support myself? What then?”