I’m unsure if Valerie is prepared for the bloodshed, but I will do my best to shield it from her view. She refuses to be sheltered, so the best I can do is keep the discussions about our attacks as infrequent and nondescript as possible.

But I try not to think about that right now. I look back out at Valerie as she runs from a particularly large wave crashing onto the beach. The way her body moves makes my cock hard, which is obvious through my thin swimming trunks.

I’m in no rush to have her, though. I could watch her for hours without getting bored.

Days, even.

And I wish those days would last forever.

Time is a cruel master, however, and it prevents me from spending the rest of eternity with the woman I’ve fallen in love with. I haven’t even told her that I love her yet, but she hasn’t been brave enough to utter such costly words either.

How is it that I can endure years of hardship, loss, and danger, but saying three words to a woman feels nearly impossible? The words, or perhaps just one in particular, hold so much weight that I fear being crushed by it.

What if Valerie refused to say the same to me? What if she hesitated, and the space between us grew stilted and awkward? What if she told me she wasn’t ready for that yet, or that she didn’t know if she really did love me?

I would drown myself. Dramatic, perhaps, but I’ve always been obsessed with her. I was willing to die when she first told me no, and I would die now if I were denied. I doubt I’d even have to try. I think my heart would break so hard that it would kill me.

But watching Valerie skip over another wave and laugh into the wind makes me certain that I must tell her how I feel. Now is the perfect time, before we descend into chaos again. Beforestress makes me stiff and serious, unable to feel as my thoughts become cold and ruthless.

I must tell her now. There’s no other way.

“Pasha, come look!” She calls me from the edge of the water, waving frantically to get my attention. She’s looking at the sand, searching just in front of her feet for something.

I get up from my towel in the sand, pushing my hair from my forehead and walking toward her. She’s still waving, so I jog up to her, curious what’s got her so excited.

“Look, Pasha, it’s blue,” she says, pointing to a midsized crab with vivid blue coloration to its legs.

“Ah, the invasive blue crab,” I reply, squatting down to get a better look. “They’re pretty tasty, but they’re kind of a pest around here, actually. Quite aggressive.”

She takes a nervous step back. “They are?”

“Yes, but this one seems a little out of it,” I say, searching around me for something to poke it with. I find a little twig that must’ve come from a cypress tree and use it to agitate the crab.

He scuttles back suddenly, and Valerie lets out a high-pitched squeak.

I laugh, standing up and tossing the twig into the sand. “Not so lethargic after all. Maybe he’s just getting some sun. It’s beautiful out here today.”

Valerie nods, her hands on her hips as she eyes the crab with the utmost suspicion. She wrinkles her nose at it. “You’re lucky we don’t eat you.”

“Plenty at the seafood place a few miles from here. We could go there after this,” I offer.

She looks at me and smiles. “I’m actually getting kind of hungry. Maybe that’s the pregnancy symptoms finally kicking in.”

I reach around her, grabbing one of her ass cheeks and shaking it. “We’d better make sure.”

She moves closer, pressing her barely covered breasts against me. “I’m all yours, but… maybe not right next to the crab.”

“Aw, he might’ve wanted a little show.”

“Well, he can watch from a distance.”

“You think his little eyes can see that far?”

She pulls back a little, pursing her lips. “You seem more interested in that crab than in me right now. Maybe you two should have some kids.”

I laugh. “I’ve already decided who I’m having kids with.”

I grab her, picking her up and carrying her back to where our towels are. She tilts her head back, looking at the world upside-down as I walk with her. She’s loving every second of this, and it’s going to be so hard to take her back home with me.