I have Boris with me, along with fifty other men pouring out of large black SUVs all around the building. We have the place surrounded, like a SWAT team on steroids, but it still might not be enough.

I’m gripping my rifle so hard my knuckles are about to split, but I feel nothing but cold, calculated rage as I lead the charge. We burst in through the front, and I immediately start shooting. Nobody is safe here. I won’t spare a single life that threatens Valerie’s safety.

Valerie yells over the noise of gunfire, and I spot two men standing near a staircase all the way down the bar, holding her in place as they reach for their guns. I aim at the larger one, pumping him full of hollow tips until he crumples to the floor.

The other man leaps away, leaving Valerie kneeling on the ground as I shoot above her. All around me, people are falling. It’s impossible to hear anything but gunfire as we commit the worst massacre in the history of this city.

But I’m not a good man. I don’t stand up for the innocent and I certainly don’t take mercy on anyone who isn’t even trying to help my precious Valerie. As far as I’m concerned, everyone here is guilty in aiding this attack on her, and so they all must die.

I direct my men upstairs as they clear the bottom floor. I stay down, rushing to Valerie to help her up. She’s trembling, but she’s alive. That’s all that matters.

“What the fuck is happening?” she asks, looking up as gunshots and screaming echo from the second floor.

“Revenge,” I growl, pulling her away from the noise. “Let’s get you out of here.”

The smell of weed and beer in the club has been replaced with coppery blood and burning gunpowder. We have to dance over the bodies on the way to the exit, trying not to trip over the mess of limbs as we escape the chaos.

Valerie isn’t crying like I thought she would be. Her eyes are wide but she’s breathing normally. Possibly shock, but it could be that she’s handling this better now that she knows she’s going to get out alive.

I can’t imagine what was going through her head when those men grabbed her. They were Anatoly’s men, I’m sure of that. They wanted to bring her to their boss, but I’m not going to let that happen. She’s mine, and she will always be mine.

I help Valerie into the car, tucking her dress in before I close the door. Jogging to the driver’s side, I join her, starting the engine and peeling out of the lot as the sirens start to wail in the distance.

Someone managed to call the police. I need my guys out of there before they arrive.

“You’re not hurt, are you?” I ask Valerie as I scramble for my phone.

She looks over herself, at her arms and her legs. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Good. I need to make a phone call. Wait a second.”

I dial up Boris, who is probably done clearing the second floor by now.

He answers quickly. “Hello boss, do you have the girl?”

“Yes, she’s in the car with me. I hear sirens, though, so you need to get everyone out of there.”

“Already on it, sir,” he replies.

“Great. Meet me back at the house. We need to triple security after something like this. Anatoly is going to be pissed, but he brought it on himself.”


I hang up the phone and tuck it into my pocket as I turn my attention back to Valerie. “Are you sure you’re already? They didn’t hurt you?”

“They were twisting my arm, but I think it’s okay. Just a little sore.” She rubs her shoulder and winces.

I feel an incredible amount of rage at what just happened, but I keep it contained. She needs softness right now, not more aggression. She’s seen enough of that from me today.

“Listen, I know we have our differences, but I need you to be safe. You can’t leave the house like that again,” I say, keeping my voice low as I grip the steering wheel with both hands.

She nods, remaining quiet and reserved as she continues rubbing her shoulder.

“I’m not trying to control you, and I’m sorry for putting you into such a dangerous situation. I didn’t think my brother would take things this far, but he has, and you need protection. Even if you hate me, I need you to stick around.”

“I don’t hate you,” she blurts, looking at me with a scowl. “I really like you. I want to be with you, Pasha, but you need to understand that I’m a person. You can’t jerk me around and demand things from me like you do to your soldiers. I’m not part of the Bratva.”

She’s right. I have to be a better man for her. That’s the only way this is going to work.