He cocks his head to the side, his swagger intensifying as he approaches me. “I’m not weird. You are.”

“Seriously? What have I done that’s weird?”

“Well, for one, you’re working on a Friday night,” he says, pulling out the keys to the building and twirling them around on his finger.

“Very funny,” I reply dryly.

He unlocks the door and opens it for me. “After you, darling.”

I narrow my eyes at him, but step into the dark office anyway. If he wanted to murder me, he’s had plenty of opportunities already. I’m not scared of him, just annoyed by his antics.

“Lights on,” he says, flicking on a switch. “And would you look at that, someone has laid out a carpet for us. How thoughtful.”

He’s right, but now I’m suspicious as to why he brought me here. There’s a red carpet leading to the main office area, something that had to have been put here in the last hour after everyone left.

I look over to Avraam as he comes up beside me. “What’s all this about?”

He shrugs, but there’s a gleam of knowing in his brilliant gray eyes. “I guess we’ll find out together.”

He holds out his elbow and I take it after a moment of hesitation, allowing him to lead me into the main office area. My heart beats faster as we approach the door. I look to his face for some sign of what awaits us, but all I see is a slight smirk.

He knows what’s behind that door, but I’m nervous. He’s never behaved like this before. I’d even go as far as to say he’s being… romantic? Is it too soon to jump to a conclusion like that?

Wishful thinking. That’s what I tell myself. I’m being hopeful when he’s already proven himself to be a problem.

“Now, let’s see what this is all about,” he says, dropping his arm and stepping up to the double doors. He grabs both handles, pulling them open in a grand gesture.

I gasp, cupping my hand over my mouth as I realize what this is.

He tricked me into a date!

Avraam walks up to a perfectly set table, pulling out a chair with a red velvet seat. “Ladies first,” he purrs.

I stand in shock for a moment, taking in the incredible effort he put into this. It’s more than just a table in the middle of what used to be our office. He’s cleared all the chairs, desks, and any hint that this was ever a workplace. The carpet is covered with a giant green and red Persian rug, and the glaring fluorescent tube lights on the ceiling have been replaced with a tasteful arrangement of white paper lanterns.

“This is crazy,” I whisper, slowly walking up to the chair and sitting down. “How did you do this?”

“I’m just as surprised as you are,” he claims as he sits down across from me.

I give him a teasing look of annoyance, but I’m amazed he was able to pull something like this off. I hate to say he’s redeeming himself, but as long as there aren’t any unpleasant surprises along with this date, I’m willing to forgive his transgressions.

“I think we’ll save those accounts for Monday,” he says. “This seems like a better way to spend the evening.”

I laugh. “Do they even exist?”

“Who knows.”

Before I can say anything, a man dressed in a tuxedo comes out, carrying a silver platter with a dome lid. I’ve never seen something like this in person before. It’s as though we’re in a movie.

The man sets the platter down in the center of the table, opening the lid to reveal a beautiful preparation of steak and vegetables.

“Brilliant,” Avraam says, as though he’s finding all this out for the first time, just as I am.

A smile pulls the corners of my mouth up, and I shake my head. Dammit, he’s too good. Why the hell does a man this handsome also have to be so charming? He’s making it so damn hard to keep hating him.

The man in the tuxedo shuffles away, and a moment later, soft jazz music can be heard radiating from the ceiling. Avraam had every detail of this meticulously planned out. It makes me wonder how long he’s been plotting this night.

Avraam serves both of us from the dish in the center, his eyes deep and mesmerizing as he looks into mine. He maintains that intensity even as he begins eating, making my belly stir and my palms sweat.