“And what do you do?” she asks, leaning in and putting the pressure on me again.

Thankfully, I’ve had time to come up with a story. I’ve been thinking all last night about it. I could barely sleep, but I’m used to that.

“Business. I sold my previous one, an advertising agency, so I’m in the market for a new one. Looking to buy local and expand. That’s what I do. Buy, expand, then sell.”

She nods, clearly impressed. “Wow, that sounds like a big thing to be doing. Have you ever had anything fail?”

If only she knew…

“In the beginning it’s always tough, but I’ve nailed the process at this point. I choose my businesses carefully,” I explain, cringing a little on the inside at the bullshit I’m spitting. I have no trouble lying but doing it to such a sweet woman hurts me inside.

I think I like her too much. It’s becoming a problem.

Our food comes and the talking turns into eating. I look up at her a few times, catching her staring at me. She must really like me, which surprises me. A woman as beautiful as she is could have any man in the world.

But then again, if she knew I was a convicted felon she probably wouldn’t feel the same about me. She’d run far away, and I’d never see her again. No more big eyes and rosy cheeks.

No more sex.

I’d be high and dry without a penny to show for my trouble.

The longer I spend with her, the more I know I can’t let that happen. One way or another, I’m going to keep little miss Kimberly, even if I have to lock her in the basement and hide her away from the rest of the world.

Money is one thing, but she’s my newest interest.

My beauty.




Avraam’s words were sweeter than the iced tea I drank this morning, but I’m a cynic. Now that he’s gone, I don’t believe I’ll be seeing him again. Sure, he fucked me like a god and paid for my breakfast, but everything else about him was vague and shady.

He didn’t want me to know who he really was. He couldn’t even tell me where he lived or give me his phone number. As far as I know, he’s just passing through my little town, and I’ll never see him again.

I try to believe that’s a good thing as I start unpacking the furniture that was delivered to the house not long after I got back from breakfast, but his absence is glaring. Trying to put together furniture is no easy task, and doing it alone is damn near impossible.

By lunch time, I’m all out of energy, and I’m not even finished with the bedroom.

By dinner, I’m ready to pull my hair out. I had to reassemble my dresser twice, and I’ve somehow lost the screws that went in the chairs for the dining room. I wish Avraam were here. This is damn near impossible without him.

I carb load for dinner, pasta and breadsticks, so when I lay down in my new bed with a thick feather blanket and lavender pillow spray, I expect to fall asleep instantly.

Except I don’t.

Ten minutes tick by.

The windows are covered tonight. No scary gaping darkness outside. Just delicate white lace over pistachio green.

Thirty minutes.

The ceiling has some imperfections. Even in the darkness, I can see the slight slant in the middle. Is it water damage?

An hour passes.

My body still aches from how hard Avraam fucked me last night. It’s a good thing he isn’t here right now. I wouldn’t be able to handle him two nights in a row.