“You sound upset,” I whisper. “But maybe that’s just because I’m alive.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” he asks, sounding genuinely confused. “I’m worried about you, brother. I have eyes everywhere, and one of my guys told me that Kimberly’s house got shot up earlier today.”

“Thought you were responsible for that,” I grumble, unwilling to believe his innocence just yet.

“Are you nuts? Why the fuck would I try to kill your girlfriend? I’m not some kind of lunatic, man. I know you don’t like me, but I’m not going to ruin your life over it. I figured you just needed some time to calm down, and then we’d talk again.”

“Too late, I suppose,” I reply, looking down the dark road ahead. “We’ve already left Montana, and I don’t plan on coming back.”

“You’ve got me mixed up, Avraam. I didn’t shoot up your girl’s house. I’m trying to help you, and you’re blaming me for some dumb shit like a drive-by. I’ll find out who did that, if it makes you happy.”

“It’s more to clear your name than make me happy. Nobody knows anything about me except for you. I was followed to Kimberly’s house, and someone tried to kill us both,” I say, struggling to keep my voice down as my anger rises.

“I have no reason to do something like that, and after I found you and offered to help you, I’m not sure why you’d assume so. Look, I know we have some unsettled business between us, but I’d like to drop the bullshit and speak to you about this in person. Just come back to Montana and we’ll talk.”

I glance at Kimberly. “I can’t do that,” I reply to him. “This isn’t just about me.”

“It’s about the girl. I get it. You can bring her too.”

I sigh. “Too dangerous, Damien. She’s… pregnant.”

There’s a long silence on the line, almost like he’s hung up on me, but he eventually speaks. “Wow, you’re not wasting any time there, Avraam.”

I smile a bit, despite my frustration. “The universe had its plans for us, I suppose.”

“Well, I’m not judging you for it, man. I just want to make sure you’re running from Montana for the right reasons.”

I scoff. “I’m not running.”


“I’m recalibrating. You have your business in Montana, and I’m going to make my own elsewhere. That way, we don’t interfere with each other’s business.”

“Fair enough,” he replies. “But I did say I would help you.”

“I don’t need help.”

“Nothing at all?”

I’m starting to understand why he’s so keen on helping me. It’s not about trying to make me feel smaller than he is. He still holds guilt in his heart over the way we parted ways, and this is his way of saying sorry.

“Well, if you have any connections in Arizona, I’d like to know about them. That’ll help me get started up again,” I say. “But I don’t want to hear anything from you until you find someone to pin the shooting on.”

He laughs. “I don’t have topinthe shooting on anyone. I’ll have Bartek look around for the guy responsible, and then I’ll hook you up with some guys I have down south. They might be able to help you get started.”

“Thanks,” I reply, trying not to sound too grateful. I don’t want him thinking we’re on good terms just yet. I need answers, and unless he provides them, I’m keeping my distance from him.

“Oh, one more thing,” I say, switching the phone to my other hand. “How’d you get this phone number?”

“Pick a different carrier if you’re trying to hide. I have access to every database in Montana,” he replies.

“Ah, so you really have the whole state on lock,” I say, feeling impressed.

“Pretty much, but there’s always more to do. You have to stay on top of things if you want to keep your head intact. Things move faster than they used to.”

“Yeah, I’m discovering that.”

“So, we’re good. I’ll call you when I have any information about the shooter.”