I suck air in through my teeth, tensing from his girth. It’s bigger than I remember, and I’m at my limit until I’m able to relax.

“Take it easy, baby,” Avraam whispers in my ear, sending a fresh crop of goosebumps down my neck and arm.

I sink down further onto him, feeling a surge of relief when I finally reach the base of his cock. Fuck, I thought it would go on forever. I’d be riding the tip and he’d be squirming the entire time.

But I did it again, and the stretching sensation is replaced with the warm glow of pleasure as I begin to move. I’m in control this time, able to ride him until he’s begging to finish, only to deny him at the last second.

Part of me wants to ruin his orgasm entirely, getting off at the last possible moment and watching his cock twitch and pump cum all over his stomach. I wouldn’t even touch it. I’d just laugh as he wasted his load without any pleasure at all.

But I know I wouldn’t be able to go through with it, not because I want him to enjoy himself, but because I selfishly want to feel him pump it all inside of me. I want to feel like he owns me. I’m his new girlfriend, and I need to be claimed.

I sit up as much as I can with the low car ceiling, bouncing on his cock as he gazes up at me with a hazy expression. He’s not going to be able to last long like this, but neither am I. The pleasure is too good, and the risk of getting caught is too high.

The thrill makes me climax even harder.

I dip my fingernails into his chest as I cum, creaming on his cock as my body shudders and my muscles spasm. I try to hold back my moans but I’m unable to as I’m dragged into a state of bliss so profound that I’m ready to create a religion around it as soon as I’m finished.

My body worships Avraam as I ride him, squeezing and milking his cock with my feminine power until he explodes inside of me, pumping me deep with his seed.

If last time wasn’t already enough to get me pregnant, I’m really taking a risk with this one. The way he feels is incredible, and I don’t want to get off him until ever last ounce of pleasure has been exploited from both of our bodies.

His chest hair tickles my face as I lie down on it, and I giggle.

Avraam pets my head, the breath from his nose blowing softly against my face. “I hope you know how incredible you are, Kimberly,” he says with a voice that’s deep and comforting.

I look up at him, at his strong jaw and high cheek bones, and I can hardly believe I’m dating him. It’s like a dream, but I never want to wake up from it. I fear the day he finally decides I’m not good enough for him and leaves me.

That’s the trauma speaking, the horrible past experiences with other men.

But he doesn’t have to know that about me yet. For now, I just smile up at him, appreciating what we have while it’s still here.



She’s everything I’ve ever wanted, but that won’t mean a thing until I have my money and I’m back on top. The Bratva is calling my name, and I’m ready to reclaim my position on the throne of greatness.

Friday night was wonderful, though. It’s still fresh in my memory, even as I drive to a meeting with the contact Bartek gave me. I’ve been having trouble thinking of anything else.

I do have to get my mind in check, though. In prison, it was okay to daydream endlessly, and it’s become a hard habit to quit since I got out. I can’t daydream forever out here. The time has come to act, and distractions might as well be death sentences when you’re attempting what I am.

So, I take a deep breath as I roll into the parking lot of a warehouse twenty miles out of town. It’s pitch-black tonight with no moon in sight. The only light outside is from the stars, but it’s barely enough to see the ground as I get out of the car and walk toward the entrance.

Typical mafia shit. They can never do anything during the day. Everyone has to be nocturnal, which means I’m not coming in to the office on time tomorrow like I anticipated.

I knock on the thin steel door, and I can hear it echo inside the building. I use the knock that Bartek taught me, but nobody answers. Did I get it wrong?

“Hey, other door,” I hear someone whisper from a few yards left of me.

I turn, and I can just barely see someone peeking out of a door further down the side of the building.

I’m just relieved there’s anyone here at all.

As I walk closer, I realize it’s Bartek. He can’t be the only one running this organization. If so, I need to get the hell out of Montana. It used to be that there was a surprising amount of money to be made in the crime industry, but if that’s changed then I’d better change my location with it.

The light inside the warehouse is a dim yellow, as though they’re afraid someone might see it from the outside and wander in. Why, I don’t know, because this is private property. Cops never come snooping in private warehouses without a healthy amount of prior suspicion.

There’s a couch near the south wall, and a table with snacks and a television. It almost looks like someone is living here.