“I’m not interested in sex, actually,” I say through pursed lips. “You’re my boss, and that would be unprofessional.”

He narrows his eyes, rubbing his chin like he’s trying to figure out his next move in chess. He sees this as a game to be won, and I’m his prize. I just wish he would take me seriously.

“Why don’t you tell me about yourself,” I say, trying to diffuse the uncomfortable tension. I’d hate to bring this into work with us on Monday, and if I can get something out of Avraam in exchange for a little more information about myself, this dinner won’t be for nothing.

“What is it that you’re particularly keen on knowing?” he asks.

More deflection from Mr. Mysterious, but I expect nothing less from him. Whatever it is that he’s hiding, he’s not going to admit it without a few riddles and a lot of wine.

“I want to know what brought you here, and why,” I say, tossing his own question back to him. “And no bullshit answers. I’m willing to be open with you if you’ll be honest.”

He drums his fingers against his chin, squinting his eyes as he considers my offer.

I almost think he’s going to give me the silent treatment after two minutes of quiet, but he finally puts his hands on the table and speaks up. “There are things that should probably be said but saying them is difficult without some level of commitment from you.”

More riddles? I’m hoping this is leading to something significant and not just more reasons why he can’t tell me anything.

“What kind of commitment?” I ask. “You want me to take a blood oath or something?”

He laughs. “Nothing so extreme. I just need to know that you’re not the type of person to stir up trouble just because you can.”

I shake my head at the mere suggestion of me acting that way. “You really think I’m a drama queen? I’m probably the least dramatic person you’ll meet. I’m not looking for conflict. I’d be happy with a boring life, but I guess the universe had different plans. Drama comes to me. I don’t create it.”

“Am I the drama?” he asks, leaning in with a goofy smile.

“Partially, but we’ll get to that once you tell me your story.”

He straightens up, pushing his hair back and nodding. His expression is serious now as he considers his next words. “I know you’ll find this out sooner or later. Maybe you already know if you’ve done your research, but I have a criminal history. They had me locked up for a while, but I did my time and I’m out now with no plans of going back.”

I shouldn’t be surprised but I am a little scared by what he’s saying. It’d be one thing if he was just my boss, but I had sex with this man. I let him into my house and there’s a chance he even got me pregnant.

I thought the man I left behind in Portland was wild. Avraam is even wilder!

But I refuse to show the swirling anxiety in my expression. I remain calm and collected on the outside for fear of Avraam turning off the tap of information. This is the most I’ve ever gotten out of him. It’s a huge breakthrough.

“So, you came to Montana. Why?” I ask.

“I was already in Montana, actually. They locked me up here and I stayed here when I got out. It’s home to me.”

“A Russian from Montana,” I say with a laugh. “You’re an interesting man.”

“I go where the opportunity takes me, and when I was younger, it led me here,” he replies. “And I’m glad for that, despite what I’ve been through. I was able to meet you.”

My heart jumps into my throat, and it becomes difficult for me to breathe. Does he really find me that important? I know he’s attracted to me, but this dinner and his admission is deeper than the urge to procreate.

I’m not sure if I’m ready for it after what I went through with the last guy I was with.

“So, now you know,” he says, holding out his arms and smiling. “It’s your turn.”

I come to my sense with a sudden jolt of suspicion. “Wait a second. You never told me what you went to jail for.”

The air grows tense again, and then he sighs. “Alright, but you have to promise not to freak out. It was a long time ago. I’m not the same man I used to be.”

I nod, but my insides are eating me alive. I have to know, but at the same time, I’m terrified of what he’s about to say.

