“Things change. Robert and I had a nice long discussion this morning about his retirement. You know, we can’t just keep things like this going forever. People get old, they want to relax and enjoy the years they have left, and managing women like you isn’t easy.”

I glare at him. It’s all I can do in a situation like this.

“So, I decided to give Robert a break. Take the burden off his shoulders, so to speak. I bought his company, and now it’s mine. Didn’t I say that’s what I do for a living?”

“You never said anything about buying my fucking workplace, Avraam. This is insane!”

He holds up a finger, scowling at me like I’m the one in the wrong. “Watch your language, darling.”

“I’ll say whatever the fuck I please, asshole,” I snarl. “What makes you think you can tell me what to do?”

He snaps his fingers. “Because you can be fired, just like that.”

“You think I want to work here?”

“No, I think youhaveto work here,” he says, the corners of his mouth tugging upward in a demented smirk. “Mortgages aren’t cheap.”

It’s like he’s able to read my mind. He knows everything about me, so playing dumb yesterday was obviously a trick. He’s done his research, and I’m his target. The only thing I’m trying to figure out now iswhy?

What did I do to deserve this?

I run my fingers through my hair, sweat prickling on the edge of my hairline. My hair is pulled into a tight bun and it’s already giving me a headache. Avraam certainly isn’t helping either.

“You don’t need to stress yourself out,” Avraam says, his tone softening. “Things can go very well for you here with me as your boss. I recognize and reward talent, and if the other night was any indication, you’re averytalented woman.”

The warmth between my legs grows again, and I find that squeezing my legs together no longer helps. In fact, it feels good, and I’m afraid of what that means. How can I enjoy this kind of treatment? What kind of a woman does that make me?

I’m humiliated, angry, and I just want to go home, but Avraam has other plans. He ashes his cigar on the top of the desk, melting the cheap coating and making the room smell like burnt plastic. “We’ll have to get that replaced,” he grumbles as he stands up. “Come, I’ll show you around.”

I don’t want to go with him, but I rise like a puppet on strings. He tugs me along with his power, leading me out to the common area again where everyone is busily working. They don’t look up this time. They’re totally unbothered that a six-foot-six tattooed beast has turned their workplace into a hostile environment.

Unfair. That’s one word for it. Another word isinsane.

“Here’s the break room,” Avraam says, his voice a stark juxtaposition to my current mood. He holds the door open with one hand, leaning into the smell of burnt popcorn.

I prefer the cigar smoke, honestly.

“Hope nobody’s planning on a tuna fish sandwich for lunch,” he says with a chuckle. “I’ll have someone open a few windows. Maybe put in a new filtration system. This place is a bit stuffy.”

I sigh a little at his reasonable ideas. I feared he would turn this place into a madhouse.

I mean, he still might, but at least it won’t stink as much.

“Bathrooms are down the hall and to the left. Smoking is now permitted indoors, but only in my office and by me. Cigarette smokers are banished to the parking lot to get their fix,” he continues.

I’m still coming to terms with the fact that he’s actually my new boss by the time I’m seated in my desk with a handful of simple tasks to get done today. Create a login, setup my desk, and figure out the new accounting software the previous accountant installed before they left.

Normally, I’d not have any problem with this, but Avraam has thrown me for a loop and it’s impossible to get my mind straight. I keep catching glimpses of him as he walks around the office, chatting it up with my coworkers and making friends with them.

Even with my headphones on, I can still feel his deep voice rumbling through me all day, even if I can’t hear him.

God, I’m so fed up with this man.

Sick to death.

