There wasn’t a floor like this when I buried my treasure.

My heart jumps into my throat as I feel around for a light switch. This time, I’m able to find one. Light floods into the room, confirming my fears and causing an audible groan to escape my mouth.

It’s been redone with large black and white checkerboard tiles, the kind that would take a sledgehammer to break through. There’s no way I’ll be able to retrieve what’s hidden under the floor with Kimberly home. It would take days to find the treasure, and I’d need heavy equipment to break through the floor and dig.

Twenty-five years ago, when I put a chest full of money under the floor, this basement was covered in cheap linoleum. The ground underneath was soft, and I was able to burrow two feet down and drop the chest in the far end of the room in a few hours. After that, all I had to do was cover it in dirt and rolls the linoleum back in place, and nobody would ever know that I had disturbed the basement at all.

It must still be there. If anyone had found it, I would’ve been brought back to court at some point to explain why someone found millions of dollars buried under the house I used to own.

That’s what I tell myself, but I know if I found that much money, I wouldn’t call the police and report it. That’s life changing. There’s no reason to ruin your good fortune by reporting it to the cops and having them come confiscate your new fortune from you.

There are people who would call the police, anyway. Kimberly strikes me as one of those people. Too good. Too sweet and innocent. It’s what makes her so attractive, but it’s also what makes her impossible to keep.

I try not to think about what I’m doing to her as my eyes sweep the basement again. A plan brews in my head like a dark storm. I’m not going to be able to get the money tonight, but I am going to get it.

No matter what I have to do.

No matter who’s heart I have to break.



I’m surprised to find Avraam beside me when the sun glares through the unobscured window at seven in the morning. I was almost certain he’d sneak off before I woke up, never to be seen again.

But he’s still here, rock-solid abs and all.

I peel back the top of the sleeping bag a bit to get a better look at him. He’s just as gorgeous as he was last night, if not more in the morning sun. His body glistens with a light layer of sweat from the heat of the overactive furnace.

Divine. I’ve never seen a man quite so attractive, and I have no clue how he ended up in my house last night. He just showed up, and he still hasn’t explained why.

Oh, and he fucked me. No condom or anything. I haven’t done something that risky since I was eighteen and still discovering that men will not wear a condom unless you refuse to have sex otherwise.

But I never refused Avraam. I let him fuck me hard without protection, and he had no issue cumming inside me.

I touch between my legs, feeling the soreness as confirmation that it happened. I don’t know whether to be ashamed or proud of myself.

When I look at Avraam’s face, studying it without the intensity of his sharp gray eyes, I feel neither. Just curiosity and an immense attraction to him. What brought him here so late last night. How can a man so sexy be wandering around in the freezing rain by himself?

He claims to live here, and that’s easy enough to verify. This isn’t a big city. Everyone knows everyone, and one chat with a female coworker would tell me all I needed to know about him.

A horrible thought strikes me, causing a surge of sickening jealousy in my stomach. What if he only came over here because I’m the new girl in town? What if he’s already ran through everyone else?

I’m just fresh meat for him, a new pussy for him to empty his balls in and move on.

Gross. I want to slap him, but I resist the urge. I don’t know the truth yet, and I’d rather not get on his bad side without reason. He’s big enough to tear me in half, and something about the tattoos on his body and the way he holds himself tell me he would do it if he felt it was warranted.

Instead of bothering him, I watch him for a few minutes until he wakes up. I study his face, the length of his nose and the scars on his cheeks. I follow the stubble on his chin all the way down to the tattoos on his chest. From there, I keep going, watching the way his muscles develop all the way down to his cock.

Even without an erection he’s big. His balls hang between his legs like ripe fruit, sticking to his muscular thighs as his cock rests against his flat belly. I could watch it all day, but he wakes up when I shift my weight.


He blinks the sun in, just as bothered by it as I was when I awoke. “You need to get curtains,” he says, looking toward the window.

I laugh. “Yeah, I don’t have any privacy.”

Avraam narrows his eyes at the window. “If any Peeping Toms come around, I’ll beat them to a pulp.”