I’d collapse if Avraam didn’t continue to hold me in place, driving his cock deep and hard inside of me as pleasure gushes out of me. Dripping wet is a laughable understatement now. The floor below us is slippery with the results of my orgasm, but he stays firmly planted behind me, his large feet sure and stable on the wet floor.

As the sweet remnants of my ecstasy continue to roll through my body like waves of shimmering ocean water, Avraam quickens his movement, and I realize what’s coming next…



Twenty-five years.

I’ve had every opportunity to pleasure myself, but I remained celibate and unwilling to spill my seed outside of the warmth of a woman’s body. I swore I’d cum deep in the first woman I fucked without a condom, and I’m holding true to that promise.

The trouble is, I’m already addicted to Kimberly even though I barely know her. Cumming inside her would bind us together for a lifetime.

But the choice has already been made. The wheels of fate must turn, and I’m not going to attempt to stop them and be crushed by the heavy iron spokes. Besides, she just feels too damn good to stop now.

Pleasure fries what little impulse control I have left, rendering me helpless to do anything but bury my cock inside Kimberly and pump my seed into her fertile body. It was never my intention to come here and breed the owner of the house I was trying to reclaim, but unless Kimberly is on birth control, I’ve done just that.

I’m no stranger to risks, especially not when the reward is so sweet. And I can think of nothing sweeter than what I’m experiencing now as I finish pumping my load into Kimberly’s hot body.

I lean forward, pressing my chest into her body as the last shuddering waves of pleasure consume me. My body rises and falls with her breathing as we both return to the quiet calmness that came before this storm of passion.

The air is different, though. It’s not thick and strung up with tension. The night is warm even through the freezing rain outside, and the energy is peaceful.

I can’t say I’ve felt peace like this since I was locked up. In prison, everyone walks around with their shoulders hunched, painfully aware that violence and chaos can break out at any second.

It’ll be something simple, like a spoon being dropped or a napkin in the air, but we all knew what was coming the second the tension broke.

I’ve been in my fair share of fights. I never sought them out, but sometimes they were necessary. People out here don’t understand that. When you’re stuck in a box for decades with the same people, you can’t walk away from confrontations. Your reputation is like a house of cards, and if one little punk decides to pull one of your cards without being taught a stern lesson, the whole tower will fall.

I never let mine collapse, but I’ve seen it happen and it wasn’t pretty.

A lot of blood. That’s always how it is. Just a whole lot of blood.

I’m relieved to be done with that, but I’m still not sure what to make of Kimberly and her instant refusal to sell the house. I’m going to have to get into the basement somehow, and if she makes that difficult, I’ll have to use force.

For now, I try not to think about it. I’m almost able to fall asleep on top of Kimberly with how soft and warm she is, but I’d rather not crush her and risk doing another twenty-five to life.

I help her up and smile as she blushes. She’s adorable, and I allow myself to get lost in the perfect blue of her large eyes. The way she looks at me makes me want to melt, but I must stand strong. She can’t believe that I’m weak for even the tiniest fraction of a second.

That’s not the way a Bratva boss acts. I must reclaim my rightful place in the social and financial hierarchy of the free world or succumb to its hardships.

Kimberly cocks her head to the side, studying my face. Perhaps she’s trying to see my thoughts.

“What?” I ask.

“I’m just curious about you, that’s all,” she says with a smile. “And I’m wondering if you’re planning on sleeping over.”

With those words, I realize how I’m going to get the treasure hidden under the basement floor.

I’m usually quite stoic, but this time I’m unable to prevent a smile from creeping onto my face.

Spend the night with the most beautiful woman in the worldanddig up some buried treasure before she wakes up? I’d be a fool to respond with anything but a resoundingyes!

But I contain myself. I take her hand and I look deep into her eyes, allowing myself to lose myself in them again. “I’ll keep you warm tonight, darling.”

“You have quite the job to do, honestly,” she says, looking down the hallway toward the bedroom. “I don’t even have a bed. We’re going to be sharing a sleeping bag.”

“That will do,” I reply, unwilling to tell her exactly why I’m fine with a sleeping bag on the floor over a bed.