Page 89 of Cupid's Last Arrow

“For the bet?” I ask with a concerted effort.

“Because you’re the love ofmylife,” Eros confesses.

My eyes go wide. “But Ican’tbe…”

Eros stops my protest by pressing his lips to mine, and the pain subsides.

Am I dying?It feels as if I’m floating away.

His tongue runs along the seam of my mouth, so I part my lips, and he deepens the kiss. One large hand cradles my head, while his other arm wraps around me.

Then the markings on the back of my neck sear hot as if I’m being branded, and even though my eyes are closed, I see a blinding white light engulf us.

Is this death?



When I blink my eyes open, I’m not in Hypnos’s cavern anymore. Eros and I are in a bright, spacious mansion with Greek columns and sheer curtains floating in the breeze. A huge white bed filled with fluffy pillows and a duvet is underneath us.

Eros is half on top of me, gazing at me as if he’s been waiting quite a while for me to wake up. He grins and gives me a peck on the lips. “Welcome home.”

“Home?” I look around again. “Where are we?”

“On another plane.”

I look again, and it looks like the concept of heaven. “You mean… am I dead?”

“No, my home is on theethericMount Olympus.”

“But… I was going to die to give you your powers back. Do you have your powers again? If not, how are you okay?” I quickly try to touch the back of my neck, but I only feel a line of an arrow and not the bow.

“I have the bow and my powers back.” He kisses me sweetly again. “Now, you have my last arrow. Youaremy last arrow. True love personified.”

“But…” I stutter. “What does that mean?”

“You’re sort of a deity now.” He shrugs.

“Sort of?” I shake my head in disbelief. “But how?”

“The arrow was absorbed into your body when I inadvertently stabbed you. I believe it saved you when you sacrificed yourself to return my bow. We now share my powers.” Eros flushes pink. “You absorbed the arrow’s power as a god because you already had true pure love inside you, so I guess you really weren’t forced into loving me by the arrow.”

“No, I wasn't influenced by it, you silly god.” I stroke his side, and his hips jerk slightly when my hand touches him there.

“Dee, I have a confession,” Eros says, and I gulp, my nerves rattling. “I’ve never made love to someone I was in true love with.”

I breathe out a sigh of relief. “Weird. What a coincidence, neither have I. Do you want to find out what it’s like?”

He presses his aroused member against my stomach. “What do you think, love?”

“But where do you think you will find this person?”

“Fortunately, after a few millennia of searching, I don’t believe I have to go far to find her.” He grins, sweeping his eyes down my body.

“Maybe you should let this person know how you feel. You know, share andconnect.” I smile as I remember his lesson in falling in love. “You could try staring into her eyes and telling her your secrets, give her a compliment, and touch her. Then, if you’re lucky, maybe you’ll fall in love.”

“I’ve already fallen.” Eros kisses me again, but he doesn’t break eye contact. “But do you want to know a secret?” he whispers, his warm breath leaving goosebumps on my body.