Page 76 of Cupid's Last Arrow

When he notes I’m not receptive to him courting me, his appearance morphs into Eros, but his black wing ears are still visible. It’s a lateral move in handsomeness, but he’s a fool if he thinks only Eros’s looks appeal to me.

I shake my head in repulsion at his false image, then he changes to appear as Carl.

“I can look like anyone you would like to have warm your bed.” When my lips press thin, he says with confusion, “You don’t seem pleased by this.”

“If you know me, then you’d know I wouldn’t be into that.IfI were towarm your bed,then I wouldn’t want an imitation, but theactualperson I’m in love with.”

He arches an eyebrow. “And who would that be?”

I open my mouth to answer, but I have no answer to give him. My feelings for Carl are not what they were, but I care about him. However, at this moment, I realize I’m no longer in love with him. If the past five years have all been a lie, maybe I don’t even know him. Maybe I care more for someone else, and if he hasn’t shown up yet, then he might be in trouble.

“Very well.” He backs away. “I was hoping it would be easier to convince you that I’m your best choice.”

“You might be,” I agree, “but you also told me not to give up. I’m going to take that advice and see if I can’t get out of this mess.”

Hypnos leans down and kisses me on the cheek. “Good luck, sweet mortal. You’ll need it.”

With that foreboding comment, I wake up with a start in the dark caverns of Tartarus. This time, I’m not alone.

A booming voice reverberates off the rock walls, making them tremble. “Finally, you’re in my domain.”



“Why do you want me dead?” I ask, staring up at the intimidating male, who I assume is Thanatos, the god of death. The ominous energy radiating off him makes my nervous system scream for me to run. That doesn’t even take into account the literal death glare he’s giving me.

From what I can see in the gloomy cave, he very much resembles Hypnos, except for the lack of winged ears. He’s absurdly tall and handsome, with a lean and muscular body, and dressed in all black leather. His eyes are all black—not just the irises, but the usually white sclera too.

He steps forward and glowers at me. “You were supposed to fall from Lovers’ Bluff. If it wasn’t for divine intervention, you would have been mine to claim.”

“But I wouldn’t have landed in Tartarus, would I, right?” I return his glare as I stand up to face him. I’m certain I don’t look the least bit imposing to anyone, least of all him.

I’ve had it with these gods’ bullshit, and since I can’t run from him, I’m choosing to fight, not run.

I crane my neck back to look him in the eye because he’s as tall as his twin. What’s up with these giants? I wouldn’t mindmeeting a short god, so I wouldn’t feel so damn intimidated. I don’t enjoy the physical reminder that they can crush me like a bug even without their magic powers.

“No, you wouldn’t have come here,” he admits, “but that’s your fate now.”

“Only because you stole me,” I counter.

“It was Eros’s arrogance that sealed your fate.”

I cross my arms. “How so?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Thanatos waves his hand dismissively.

“It matters to me. All of it does.” My eyes search for a way out, but find none. I’m at the mercy of the death god. “I don’t want to die.”

Thanatos swirls his finger in the air, and the surroundings change.

I’m now seated at a long table in a large dining hall. Candles in wall sconces dimly light up the room, and an elaborate feast is set out in front of me, like one might see in a movie about garish kings, but I have to admit it looks and smells delicious.

Thanatos pops in next to me at the head of the table. “Enjoy.”

“I don’t think so.” I lean back in my chair and cross my arms in defiance. “I know how the stories go. Persephone ate a couple seeds and boom, she was trapped in the underworld half of the year with that other god down here.” I won’t mention Hades’s name, lest I snag his attention too.

“Please, I hardly get visitors, at least pleasant ones who are alive,” he says with a pout.