Page 67 of Cupid's Last Arrow

“Uh, no. That’s bad, huh?”

Ignoring my question, he asks another. “Did he say he wanted to be in a committed relationship with you?”

“Not really.”

Eros’s jaw flutters with agitation, and his grip on my hands tightens. “How did you feel about it when you were hooking up?”

“I’m still working through that. I think I was in shock.”

He hums. “Well,Istill want to know why he’s blocked from my powers.” He keeps his face blank. “Get ready. We need to scope out his work situation.”

I pull my car up across the street from the United Merchants building and park. Eros and I both stare at the quaint building. It’s much smaller than I imagined, but it’s about a dozen stories high. It has lovely architecture with ivy crawling up thefront with sconces and columns and all those ornate touches. However, when I thought of his financial establishment, I envisioned him in a towering, glass-covered skyscraper.

“I guess itisodd I’ve never come by to see where he works,” I say after a long moment of silence.

“You never thought to stalk him before?” Eros asks in disbelief.

“No.” I chuff a laugh. “You think I’m weird because I trust my friends and let people live their lives?”

“Yes, you are weird,” Eros says, “but in a good way.”

“Are you coming with me?” I look him over in his newly acquired and expensive charcoal gray suit. His crisp white dress shirt is unbuttoned at the collar, which gives him a casual but sophisticated sexy billionaire look.

“Like thethreads?” he asks with a grin.

“I didn’t think you could look any more striking, but I think people might spontaneously combust when they see you in that outfit. Or, at the very least, faint.”

“At the very least?” He arches an eyebrow. “Butyouaren’t fainting.”

I smirk. “I’m fainting on the inside.”

“I don’t think that’s how it works.” Eros chuckles lightly.

With a shrug, I pat his hand. “You don’t really needmyinsignificant approval, do you?”

He tilts his head and pouts. “It’s not insignificant, and I wouldn’t mind your approval.”

“Well, I already complimented your devastating handsomeness. I didn’t realize you needed areactionfrom me as well.” When he keeps looking at me with puppy dog eyes, feeling daring, I lean over and cup his jaw, using the touching technique he taught me. My eyes search his gorgeous face and my thumb brushes over the light stubble on his jaw. Finally, I lock eyeswith him, and my heart beats harder than necessary. “You’re probably the sexiest being in existence.”

His eyes dilate, and he swallows as if the compliment has affected him, then he blurts, “Wait!Probably?”

I burst out laughing. “Well, I haven’t seen everyone in existence, have I? Andthat’syour takeaway?” I lightly bat him on the bicep. “What do you care what your future servant thinks of you anyway?”

“I care whatyouthink,” he mumbles quietly, almost too low for my ears to hear, then he brightens quickly and glances down at my outfit. “Would you like a Clotho original for your attire?”

“Sure, but nothing too revealing,” I say and glance down when I feel my clothes shift. “Oh, and I want my clothes back at some point.”

“Can’t do. It’s a trade. Energy for energy and all that.” Eros waves me off.

“Crap. I liked some of my stuff that you magicked away.” I get out of the car and try to see my outfit in the reflection of my car windows. It’s a simple black dress with a sweetheart neckline, and a skirt that swishes with every step—flattering and flirtatious. I’m beginning to actually feel sexy and not like I’m just faking it. “What do you think?” I ask Eros when he appears next to me.

As I turn around for his approval, Eros looks me over slowly. “If Carl doesn’t see what he has with you, then he’s a fucking idiot.”

“Thanks for the confidence boost.” I blush at his compliment. Straightening my shoulders as if preparing for battle, I stare at the building. “I’m so nervous about going in there. What if Carl freaks out?”

“Well, I guess you’ll learn another thing about him and confirm his controlling nature.” Eros fixes a wayward lock of my hair. “Perfection.”

My heart aches with the affection he gives me. I wonder if Carl will be that way with me eventually. A nagging voice in the back of my mind says he won’t ever come close.