Page 47 of Cupid's Last Arrow

“Dee,” Eros admonishes playfully and frowns. “So many hidden layers with you. I’m so happy you have let me in as much as you have.”

“Anyway…” I resist rolling my eyes and turn to Carl. “How are things going with your girlfriend?”

“Not my girlfriend,” he replies with a wave of his fork. Okay, he’s back to rebuking the title.Interesting.

“Then can we call her by an actual name?” I ask. “A code name will work if you don’t want to tell me.”

“Mercy,” Carl says, his voice tight.

Eros’s eyebrow arches in interest.

“Is that you begging me to stop asking you, or is that her name?” I joke.

“Name,” Carl says curtly.

“Then how are things with Mercy?” Unfazed by his strange attitude, I press him again for information.

Carl pokes at his food for a moment before answering. “They’re fine.”

“When do you think I can meet her?” I ask. “Will she be coming over again this weekend?”

“No.” Carl’s eyes dart to Eros. “Besides, I think we have a full house for now.”

“Oh, okay,” I say quietly.

Carl seems agitated, even more so than normal, with my curiosity about his love life. Perhaps it means Carl really likes her, or perhaps he regrets breaking the rules for someone who doesn’t matter, since it means Eros has wormed his way into our home.

“How do you feel about hanging out and watching a movie tonight?” Eros asks Carl, then looks at me. “We could watch one of your favorite movies.”

“Do youknowany of her favorite movies?” Carl taunts Eros.

“Let’s see…The Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally,andBridget Jones’s Diaryto name a few, right?” Eros looks at me for confirmation.

I nod slowly, shocked that he knows a few of the rom-coms I like. I’m not sure how he knows that list since I haven’t told him. Maybe I’m just that obvious… a movie abouttrewwuv, acan men and women be friendsflick, and hmm… Did he mentionBridget Jonesbecause it features a flirty boss, a friend, and an awkward female lead?

“You like sci-fi too, right?” Eros smiles at me. “Are you more of a Trekker or into Star Wars?”

I can’t stop the grin from taking over my face. “I’m pan-sci-fi. It just has to turn me on.” I waggle my eyebrows.

Carl’s brows rise with renewed interest concerning Eros’s knowledge of my tastes and my flirtatious talk.

“Eros, how about a favorite of yours?” I say.

“I haven’t seen The Princess Bride in a while.” Eros winks at me.

During the rest of the meal, I keep the conversation neutral and tell Carl how my photo shoot went at Lovers’ Bluff—minus the death fall—and how I have a bunch of new gigs lined up for the next couple of weeks.

Eros and I clean up the dishes and kitchen, then we load up the coffee table with yummy treats to snack on during the movie.

Carl leaves the larger couch for Eros and me—one which we usually share. It’s strange to have Eros here during this time, where Carl and I often connect after a long day at work.

Eros doesn’t have the same hesitation and promptly sits down and raises one arm for me to tuck under. “Come here, gorgeous.”

My eyes go wide. Fortunately, Carl is behind me and can’t see my surprise. It’s still surreal to have Eros fawning over me, even if it’s an act.

I snuggle up against Eros’s side as Carl starts the movie. My hand rests over the god’s taunt stomach muscles. Even after all the touching to get me used to it, I’m hyper-aware of every touch I give Eros.

After the movie plays for a few minutes, Eros leans forward and picks up a juicy strawberry and presses it gently to my lips, trailing the rounded point over my fleshy bottom lip.