Page 39 of Cupid's Last Arrow

“Sometimes I think I must not deserve to be loved,” I confess.

“Did you take revenge on your boyfriends?”

“Gods, no!” I answer hurriedly. Although I didn’t wish them well, I didn’t wish them harm either.

“Have you hurt someone else to ease your pain?” he asks.

“I would never do something like that.” The idea makes my stomach turn.

Eros grins like the Cheshire cat as if he has made his point. “That’s a big reason you’re considered pure.”

He continues to hold me, and I allow my body to relax into his warmth—both physically and emotionally. It’s like I can feel his godly love and compassion pouring directly into my soul, healing me.

When I feel like myself again, I pull back. “Thank you for that. I guess it’s your specialty to make people feel better.”

“Of course, anything for you, sweetheart,” Eros says, like his affection and caring are all too easy to give away. “Well, now onto our next assignment. What do we have in common?”

“We both have never been in love with someone who loved us back,” I offer.

“Maybe not necessarily true for you, strictly speaking. We’ll have to see.” Eros tilts his head. “Either way, let’s find something else to bond over.”

“I doubt we have much in common,” I say. “You are, well,you,Mr. Love God, and I’m a twenty-seven-year-old, sheltered photographer.”

“That doesn’t mean we can’t feel the same way about something. Let’s say, friendship,” Eros suggests. “I believe genuine friendships are one of the most precious things in this world and should be protected with the fierceness of a pissed off mother bear.”

“I would agree,” I say. “I would die for someone I loved.”

For a split-second, Eros frowns, then he quickly replaces it with a smile. “Now a compliment. I’ll go first.” He studies me for a moment and then says, “With your caring heart, your sense of humor, and your eye for seeing beauty around you in a world filled with strife, you are one of my favorite mortals.”

I can’t help but grin like a fool. “But howmanyare on that list?” I ask to deflect.

“Does it matter?” Eros cocks an eyebrow. “You made the list. Currently, you’re moving to the very top.”

“Ha-ha,” I say flatly. “My turn. I admire how well you lie.”

“I don’t lie!” He grasps his heart in mock pain as if I wounded him with my comment. “I might tweak the truth a bit, but that isn’t technically lying.” He pouts, and I almost lose it. He looksso oddly adorable. “Give me another compliment,” he insists. “A real one.”

“Fine.” I roll my eyes. “Well, if I’m being honest, you’re super sweet and caring. Almost disturbingly so. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. I sort of like having you around.”

“Sort of, huh?” He smirks.

“Well, you’re a bit clingy,” I say in my best California snob accent.

“Like this?” Eros throws his arms around me and wrestles me until my back is pressed to the bed. His intimidating frame comes down on me like a cage, then he tickles me, and I squeal and squeak.

“God, no!” I cry on a wheezing exhale.

“I thought you were an atheist!” he counters, tickling me even more.

“I believe! I believe!” I gasp between laughing breaths.

Eros stops his tickle torture and half collapses on me. I pant to regain my composure. “Was that the last stage? Tickling?”

“It can be.” Eros’s hands brush the wild mess of hair from my face. “But yes, touch was the last stage.”

His face is so close to mine that it almost feels like it’s a moment before a kiss. He stares into my eyes with the weight of his muscular thigh lodged between my legs. His golden eyes appear lighter now, almost as bright as the sun. It’s hard to look directly at him. We are frozen like this for what feels like an eternity.

I wonder how hard it must be for him to live lovelessly for a few thousand years. I can barely stand the time I’ve had.